Thursday, October 24, 2013

Novelty on Google is testing large banner on the home page - ABC Online

Google could soon break with an eight-year-old promise. The Internet giant is testing in the U.S. is precisely the integration of a large banner ad on the search results. An absolute novelty on the plain Google page.

The Internet giant Google is testing its first large banners on search results. Since Wednesday, Google’s search engine are great photos displayed in some cases, the hits that link to business. Including Google presents another hit single from the company’s website. A Google spokesman said the service industry “Search Engine Land”, this is a “small test”, which is limited to the U.S..

The big banners Google breaks a promise that there had been eight years ago. “There will be no ads on the Google search results page. There will be no crazy, flashing, graphical things on the Google page that fly around and pop up. Never, “at that time promised the Google manager Marissa Mayer, who is now head of the rival Yahoo. But who now sought in the United States on Wednesday for example, after Southwest Airlines, which was a huge photo of an aircraft airline displayed, including links to booking, check-in and customer service.

The simplicity of the Google page had – contributed to the success of Google – in addition to the quality of search results. To date, pure text ads alongside the search results are presented, also paid search results on the hit list. The prices for traditional internet advertising on the computer – and the earning potential of Google – have recently but declined. Reason is the boom of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, must be redesigned for advertising.

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