Monday, September 30, 2013

Telecom: With artificial DNA against the theft of copper cables - Heise Newsticker

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means drone and a cable device will be marked artificial transmission lines with DNA. enlarge class=”source”> picture: German Telekom In the fight against copper theft, the German Telekom relies increasingly on the use of of artificial DNA. This Monday will be the telecommunications group backup procedure again to the public. In May, Deutsche Telekom had demonstrated the use of artificial DNA by a drone. In Kremmen (Upper Havel) The Telekom can again ascend a remote-controlled helicopter, the phone lines with a special synthetic liquid wets a large area, said Telekom spokesman Georg von Wagner according to dpa. The registration number of the liquid used is stored in a database.

The German Railway employs such artificial DNA for some time, despite their Nahmes but contains no real genetic material. Rather, it is an invisible paint that glows green under ultraviolet light. Equipped with special lamps, police and railway officials can recognize such designated stolen immediately. The paint will also find about 400 microns small platelets of nickel in which a number is engraved, which can only be read under a microscope. Each track section of the track is secured with a different code. Is stored in a database which code belongs to which section of the route network. Seized metal parts can be assigned to individual crime scenes.

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warning signs to deter copper thieves class=”source”> picture: German Telekom Telekom also stressed that for copper thief was not apparent from the outside whether a telecom cable was marked or not. The artificial DNA diffundiere through the shell material, so even survived the burning of the shell to the copper residues of DNA, it was said at the first presentation of the process mid-year. The police can make visible the microparticles with a code with a special microscope as a cipher, a Telecom spokesman said. If the objects are marked as in a break for a prey, they can be assigned in an attempt to sell them to the crime.

who tampers with marked cables will also mitgekennzeichnet the marking fluid. In UV light copper thieves can be exposed so quickly. The Telekom hopes so that copper thieves are deterred. The German Railway had registered more than 2,700 thefts in 2012 with a total loss of around 17 million euros. With her and other companies, the German Telekom is involved in a safety partnership against metal theft, to the Alliance also includes the RWE AG, the German Association of Metal Traders (VDM), the Federal Association of German steel recycling and waste management companies (BDSV) and the Vattenfall Europe Mining AG . (jk)

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