Thursday, September 19, 2013

Russian coast guard storms Greenpeace ship - THE WORLD


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Russian Coast Guard storms Greenpeace ship

escalation in the Arctic: First firing Russian border guards during a Greenpeace campaign warning shots, then they should have stormed the ship of environmentalists. The incident has a sequel.

escalation in the Arctic: First firing Russian border guards during a Greenpeace campaign warning shots, then they should have stormed the ship of environmentalists. The incident has a sequel.


The Russian Coast Guard stormed a Greenpeace ship in the Arctic, according to the environmentalists. The environmental organization had protested the “Arctic Sunrise” against oil drilling in the region. Crew members would kneel on the deck and were threatened by guards with guns, Greenpeace said on Wednesday.

Contact with the crew was canceled. From the Russian side, there was initially no confirmation. Greenpeace accuses Russia of the right to threaten the environmentally sensitive area with the drilling for oil.

gunmen were from a helicopter of the Federal Security Service FSB, which is responsible for the management, rappelling, a crew member had previously tweeted. “It’s pretty scary. Loud blows. Screams Russian. Still try to enter the door,” was an entry with the short message service. The ship was in international waters, Greenpeace and stressed that he was “very concerned”.

activists had tried the day before the sailing under the Dutch flag “Arctic Sunrise” made to occupy the oil platform “Priraslomnaja” State of the Gazprom Group in the Pechora. Here, a Finn and a Swiss arrested. Border guards also gave eleven warning shots and called the “Arctic Sunrise” to repent.

The Foreign Ministry in Moscow ordered after an incident the Dutch ambassador. The environmentalists had “provocative and life-endangering accepted an ecological disaster,” the agency said.

Greenpeace rejected the accusations. The Coast Guard would counter international law further tighten the two activists without making them concrete allegations, said the organization. Before the Gazprom headquarters in Moscow Greenpeace demonstrated for the release of its members. For this Friday, the environmentalists called for protests outside Russian embassies around the world.

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