Saturday, October 17, 2015

JavaFX positioning: “With Swing to win today at new … – JAXenter

JAXenter: After the hype about JavaFX it seems in recent months become a little quieter around the UI technology to be. Do you see it that way

Björn Müller: Well, a hype I honestly never felt so right. And that’s a good thing: hype I know from the HTML world, and there are rather too many than too few. A hype has a tendency after quite a short time again to be “out” … JavaFX is a long-term component of the Java technology, this statement and view is enough for me.

Also, Swing was never a hype. Most Swing applications emerged in areas that are not as effective publicity – internal enterprise applications, tools, etc., etc. And the same goes’s holding now with JavaFX – it creates good stuff, but just more in the “dark”

JAXenter: Where you position JavaFX

Björn Müller: “A lot of UI with comparatively few users” – since JavaFX makes sense?. Officer, worker, intranet users, etc. “Comparatively little UI for millions of users” – since assume no JavaFX, but access to the HTML

Another argument: What is the duration an application.? Especially the enterprise applications (eg in the field of production, logistics) have maturities that exceed in some cases significantly more than 10 years. Here promises JavaFX significantly greater continuity and therefore a much lower maintenance than HTML Approaches

JAXenter. <- - widgets_on_page!>: Now, there are next to the JavaFX core team indeed many Community activities. Can you give some examples as

Björn Müller: a look times best the page, as you quickly get a Overview. Technologically the most interesting for JavaFX is in my view probably what is happening around the porting to Android / iOS. Here one wishes that you wake up one morning and the port is just there and works …

When it comes to community needs, I of course the Captain Casa Community mention: We have our Rich Client Framework completely converted to JavaFX and are overall very happy with the result

JAXenter:. for porting to Android / iOS – What do you think

Björn Müller: Actually, I would have liked just here that Oracle / Java itself wields the scepter. Community work is in my view the best based on Java – the technology of Java is below but the vast majority of a book with seven seals. The theme of the porting floats already long in JavaFX fog around and comes from my point of view in the direction of an industrial use not quite on the spot.

We observe with super-high interest and press the bevy of Gluon all thumbs – but there is still broke a lot of work. To map the current Tablet / Phone needs of our community members, we have our framework for a SAP / extended OpenUI5 client this year – so go there to HTML5 way

JAXenter: Your. themselves have indeed as mentioned the Captain Casa Enterprise Client of Swing ported to JavaFX. How did you go about it

Björn Müller: Yes, we have made the decision in 2013 this community meeting and has not looked back since. With Java Swing-based technology to win today no more flowerpots, when it comes to new projects. Our client is indeed loaded from the server using XML and renders the layout of. Ultimately, we were able to take over the entire logic part of Swing and had “only” to customize the rendering of the controls. The fact that we have many own controls, the main effort was the reverse engineering of the Controls

So a person year’s cost that everything ran again -. Well, and then a year of continuous fine-tuning. Our users can now select the Prinizip whether they choose as a client a Swing client or a FX Client – both “eat” the same XML

JAXenter: At what points do you see room for improvement in JavaFX.?

Björn Müller: At the strategic level I lead quite clearly first the Andoid / iOS Ask – when simultaneously the greatest respect for the work of Johan Vos and Team. On the specific usage level of JavaFX has a “Frameworker” much own leeway, because I’m quite happy

Stop, one of Swing would be nice. If you in all text representations of Controls as in Swing also at least could use rudimentary HTML … I think I would be an application developer, then the wish list would be much longer, because you quite a bit has to cobble together in order then to build an application effectively. One can then, of course, but also look at exisiterende frameworks. ? Did I already CaptainCasa mentioned …

JAXenter: Thank you for this interview

Björn Müller since 2001 in the range of UI frontend architectures active – on both the HTML / Ajax side as well as on the Java Swing and JavaFX page. Since 2007 he has actively developed within the Community CaptainCasa a Java-based rich client framework for comprehensive Geschäftsanwendugen, the Captain Casa Enterprise Client. The noiseless for users switching to JavaFX was completed within the frameworks in-2013.


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