Thursday, August 18, 2016

Ken Mainardis by Getty Images via Olympia, action photos and new … – Absatzwirtschaft

Which sports image has this year made a sensational sporting year?

Getty Images

A wonderful, open moment of the German superstar Thomas Müller during Euro 2016. photographers take many photos of impressions and celebrations during a big event, but to capture the personality of an athlete in an image is often difficult and rare. This image captures miller youthful passion for the game skillfully.

Have your photographer uses new camera techniques such as robotic cameras or drones at the Olympic Games and the Euro2016?

We’re working hard 360-degree images on. Every one of our photographers will shoot with this camera in addition to the standard camera. It is a technology in which we have done in 2012 at the Olympic Games in London pioneered. Today, this technology is almost standard. In Rio we have collected in ten venues and 20 robotic cameras in use, track and field, gymnastics and water sports. So ever seen can air and underwater views of great sporting moments are captured. We have to dabein- two underwater robotics rigs a for diving and for synchronized swimming and for swimming. These two underwater rigs are the only ones that exist on the planet, the Remote Photography (via cable or radio triggered) permit and so can track and underwater in real time.

What sports, photos and events are attractive to the commercial industry?

International sporting events like the Olympic Games or the European Football Championships in 2016 give brands the opportunity to generate enormous ranges. Performance sports photography allows companies, human excellence in connection to bring with its brand – which is obviously an advantage. The images of major sporting events consider many companies as excellent marketing tools. For this reason we are seeing a sharp increase in licensing our coverage in event-making years.

What are the three most important things that must be done before major events begin?

Planning is everything.

The most important is the right technology, the best photo position and to know the venue well in order to move it to. How difficult is it to capture the best moment of Euro2016 or Olympia in a photo is?

It can be very difficult. There are six elements that must come together:

1. It has to happen in the right moment – not at the moment before or after the athlete has won gold

. 2 There should be a wow factor. The photo must show a different perspective. Many people have seen the live broadcast of a competition, but a photographer can take a different perspective, to present the same event differently.

. 3 The Games in the host city show. The images should give the viewer a visual indication that these are the Rio Games. Whether playing volleyball on Copacabana beach or sailing against the background of the city of Rio.

. 4 An image should always be able to tell the story of a moment.

. 5 Speed ​​is everything. Today is the speed at which an image is played globally, the key to success. The photo should always be remembered as the ultimate image of this moment in the history of photography. In photos can be provided in less than 120 seconds after clicking the camera.

. 6 exclude other and photographed from the angle from which no one else sees.

Do you have a personal favorite Olympic picture?

 18 Oct 1968:. Bob Beamon # 254 of the US  breaking the Long Jump World Record during the  1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City, Mexico Beamon  long jumped 8.9 m (29 ft 2 1/2 in), winning the  gold medal and setting a new . It is the first  world record jump over 28 ft The most famous long  jump ever Achieved:. Bob Beamon of the United  States takes off for a place in sporting history  as he leaps 8.90 meters at the Mexico City Games  of 1968. While the middle distance runners from  the low level countries floundered in the thin air  of Mexico City, Those in the explosive events  reached new peaks, none higher than Beamon, who  added 58 centimètres to the world record with a  jump aided by a wind of 2 meters per second the  very limit of wind assistance. In Imperial measure  terms it Looked even more impressive since he  missed out 28 feet, taking the record to 29 ft 2  ins. Yet Beamon never again managed a jump of 27  feet. It was twelve years before anyone else  reached 28 feet (8:53 meters) and the record stood  until 1991 When Mike Powell of the US leapt 8.95  meters in Tokyo to win the world title. His jump  which at sea level and wind assistance of 0.3mps.  Mandatory Credit: Tony Duffy / Allsport

Getty Images

We have a very special image in our archive of games in Mexico city ​​1968 by photographer Tony Duffy. This photo sets actually the essential foundations for sports photography, which later Getty Images Sport was. Tony was on holiday in Mexico city, attended the Olympics, watching athletics. Tony made a snapshot of Bob Beamon the Americans the long jump. He tried then to break the world record. Duffy then grabbed his camera back into his pocket and just kept on holiday. Back in Britain, he showed the picture to his friends, who told him that he was sitting on a goldmine and should publish the photo. Since then, this photo has become one of the most iconic Olympic images in history.


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