Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Opened DevOpsCon 2015 – JAXenter: Caught between technology and culture

Cooking without prescription

Netflix, Facebook, Etsy, Spreadshirt, Wooga, Zalando, etc. – successful companies have led the way: A new line-up of IT in the development and operational departments not two represent separate units, may enormous productivity gains, the companies bring competitive advantage. But what exactly is the recipe of success stories?

Now there is certainly not for DevOps Instructions. But the center is the realization that communication, exchange of ideas and feedback throughout the organization should be the basis of decisions. The empathy, so the empathy in the motivations, requirements and restrictions of colleagues from other departments is essential in order to implement corporate goals together and without detours can.

culture technology

“DevOps is just a buzzword, if one has not the right culture “, the tried by Meyen Posted by Rouan Wilsenach summarizing this quintessence of DevOps. But, and this was the second message in Sebastian Meyens opening speech, also benefits a better culture of communication in companies little if “DevOps” teams try to emulate traditional IT architectures without questioning the old technology approaches.

The new possibilities of cloud platforms, container technology, the Continuous Delivery and Micro service approach make traditional architecture blueprints in question. These ancient structures, it is therefore considered to provide ruthlessly put to the test, because it is only through a radical rethink to the disruptive effects of the technology revolution, the cloud, Docker, Puppet & amp; Can bring Co. with it visible.

DevOps as a metaphor

In this field of tension between culture and technology, DevOps proves as a metaphor for change, of the objectives of a company that wishes want to leave and demands of customers and not least the needs of employees come into play better. Because, as John Willis turns in his DevOpsCon Keynote, not just IT performance but also relevant employee satisfaction with their jobs is a key factor for a company’s performance.

 John Willis

John Willis (Docker) in its DevOpsCon keynote: DevOps State of the Union

“Rethink IT” Thus the motto of DevOps Conference 2015, which wants to make the tension between culture and technology to the multi-layered concept DevOps transparent by real advice and proven best practices.

Until Wednesday not to publish DevOps experts and -Ausführende the 300-strong audience. On JAXenter we report live from the event – look so again by



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