Wednesday, November 4, 2015

GetJob: use of technology to employment for low-skilled … – Tagesspiegel

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Berlin (ots / PRNewswire) –

Even with the influx of refugees has everyone in Germany’s potential, with the new mobile app called GetJob [https: / / play. ce = pr & amp; utm_medium = pr & amp; utm_campaign = moburst 1], which is specifically targeted at low-skilled workers and the top positions, a decent . to obtain employment

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can GetJob be used on mobile devices and the Internet, so that even people who do not have a personal computer, can look for a job without having to use a publicly available computer.

Thomas de Maiziere said recently that he in next year in Germany more than 800,000 refugees and asylum seekers [http: //www.wel chtlinge.html] expect. Given the recent influx of refugees GetJob strives to increase employment opportunities.

The search can be based on locations, capabilities and interests that users can find the most suitable work to ensure. The app connects job seekers directly with potential employers, so that no intermediary is necessary. A contained in the App cards feature helps the user to better recognize, whether the job is relevant to him and he can be on time for an interview.

GetJob has both full-time and part-time quotes for all types of positions, but is specifically aimed at people who are looking for their first job. GetJobs extensive job network includes sites for employees and workers and employment opportunities for seasonal or one-off projects, which are not often found in Job search apps or web pages.

GetJob also helps employers to search employees based on their specific needs. Job seekers can post advertisements with their skills and communicate directly with employers or other job seekers

Whether you have recently immigrated to Germany or a long time resident. GetJob helps bridge the gap between job seekers and employers in the job search to Lior Sarid + 972-54-202-7975

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Contacts bridge. GetJob


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