Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Comet "Ison": comet can be seen with the naked eye - ABC Online

The comet Ison lights much brighter than before – he has lost part of its core. The comet from the outskirts of the solar system is approaching the sun, which he expected on 28 Reaches of November.

With luck Ison comet is now visible to the naked eye in the early morning sky. This was announced by the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Katlenburg-Lindau.

The spin-off a lot of material had come to the surface that is exposed to sunlight after four billion years for the first time, said the comet researcher Hermann Böhnhardt. The let the comets light much stronger than before. The comet from the outskirts of the solar system is approaching the sun, which he expected on 28 Reaches of November.

small companion comet

According Böhnhardt Ison has a diameter of several kilometers. The spin-offs are probably each as large as a multi-storey building. They were now moving like little companion of the comet, but gradually move away from the core.

The spin relatively large amount of material had come from the extremely cold interior of the core to the surface, explained Böhnhardt. Under the influence of the sun, the material will be very active now. It will come to a strong outgassing. In addition, a lot of dust will be released. Because this total much more will surface illuminated by the sun, the comet light much stronger than before.

comet visible to the naked eye

There is now first reports that the comet at dawn was visible to the naked eye, the researchers said. If you look to the east with clear sky in the hour before sunrise, the opportunity to observe the greatest.


astronomers hope to gain from Ison an insight into the genesis of the solar system and the origin of life on Earth . The comet was on 21 September 2012 discovered with a telescope of the International Scientific Optical Network (Ison / International scientific optical network telescopes), after which it was named.

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