Monday, May 25, 2015

CSU calls for power transfer to Bayern by using wireless technology – The Postillon (Satire)

Munich (DPO) – Is this the solution to the dispute to the power grid expansion in Bavaria? As it became known today, called on the CSU of the Federal Network Agency to put the construction of all planned transmission lines through Bavarian territory on ice. Instead, the electricity using modern wireless technology through the air from the north should be transported south. Overall Previously Bavarian Prime Minister Horst Seehofer had personally spoken a word of power. There is no reason why the current “here in Bayern paid and consumed our beautiful homeland is now disfigured even in the form of power lines. Somewhere is final!”
New power lines are therefore the intention of the Bavarian Government directly ends at the border of the state. From there, the wireless transmission is to take place inland. For this purpose was “to use the same technology, with the Internet and the invisible flies through the air,” reads from the relevant ministry. In all major cities should for this purpose huge Fritz! Boxes are set up, one of which is distributed from the wirelessly received power of the surrounding area.
Whether the ambitious CSU plan but can be really implemented, is still unclear. Meanwhile, several citizens’ groups have “cross ugly, landschaftsverschandelnden Fritz boxes” against the established. In addition, a national referendum against the supposedly poisonous background radiation of wireless power transmission is to
ssi, dan. Idea: Monkeyman; Photos: Shutterstock


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