Thursday, July 7, 2016

Self-confidence, technology, employees are the success factors for … –

A journey into hyperactive New York and pragmatic Chicago’s doing well. The best proof: The Publishers’ Tour of the Association of German Magazine Publishers. A week toured a group of chief editors, managing directors, speechwriters and business angels through the two cities to determine: In the North, the United States, the digital transformation is the number one issue – no matter whether they are old established company like Associated Press, IBM or the “New York Times”, shooting stars like NYT competitor “the Daily Beast” contently or hype companies like Framestore VR is. In Germany people like to say: “The United States is at a few years ahead.” This is 20 years after the development of the “World Wide Web” still. But the gap has narrowed. And: Even in the most advanced laboratories future of tea is still cooked with water. The questions that must be answered Americans, are the same, the media houses, agencies and brands face in this country.

The digital transformation is, above all, so difficult to cope because there is no end in sight. Hardly was a challenge – epistemological, organizational, structural in nature – solved, is the next front of the door. The German tendency to doubt acts as an additional brake. It may sound trite, but it’s true nonetheless: this country is missing sometimes the “just-do-it” -Einstelllung, the American company is distinguished – whether they are startups or established company


If you want to deal with the digital transformation successfully, needs – as a knowledge of the participants of the VDZ tour – three things. First self-confidence to do the right thing. Second to know the technological know-how, which technologies are needed for marketing or publishing purposes. This also changes the self-image of Marketing Manager: Studies of the CMO in the near future at the same time the most important IT managers a Unternehmns. In addition to self-awareness and technology are Third Staff crucial. You can retrain employees. But just as important, Digital Natives integrate is

confidence in their own strength, technology, employees:. Three examples of a US business trips with 17 companies .

1. Self-consciousness: “I’m the greatest”

website “Daily Beast” (image: HORIZON screenshot)

When John Avlon enters the room, you feel: here comes a pure, his self-confidence to the tips of his cowboy boots is enough that he wears the expensive suit. With 25 years Avlon was speechwriter of New York ex-mayor Rudolph Giuliani. He is highly regarded author and does as chief editor of Daily Beast For several years the US dailies life on the net hard. Its secret to success: Huge self-confidence and the realization that you can not cover all topics with a small editorial team. Only a third of the world created the editorial, two-thirds are links to other resources or agency material. The concept works: A million readers has founded in 2008, online newspaper, 70 percent of them are digital natives

. 2. Technology: The Permanent Revolution

Amazon Echo: benchmark in the field Smart Home (Picture: HORIZON screenshot)

the device is black, has filigree dimensions (23.5 x 8.35 x 8.35 cm) and looks like one of the commercially available Bluetooth speakers that you can listen to music wirelessly. But Amazon Echo is a multimedia Super Tool, a Game Changer. The innocent-looking black box is a useful personal assistant. Alexa is called the computer voice that invites desired music from the Amazon Spotify- or database, news speaks or gives the weather forecast for the best. Amazon put the product a half years ago in the US market. In particular, elderly people who shy away from the use of smart phone or PC, the talking box facilitates access to the Internet. But for every amateur chef is a voice control, which reads a recipe or the latest CD of the Red Hot Chili Peppers is happening, a big win. When Echo is coming to Germany, is not yet known. “Hi Alexa”: Here you can test Alexa

Staff:. More courage for young Wilde

a brand in itself: Emily Graslie (image: HORIZON screenshot)

the Chicago Field Museum of Natural History has a problem: How can image and culture founded in 1893 the museum will be rejuvenated, asks to CEO Richard Lariviere. Other managers were hired for the external representation an agency for inland culture a consultancy. Lariviere has another idea. He adjusts a young woman. Emily Graslie is mid-20s, but on Youtube already been a star, at least in the academic community. In 2012 she presented in a clip laboratory specimens and skeletons – and impressed with their enthusiasm the Internet community. A year later, it is as Chief Curiosity Officer and with her Youtube channel “The Brain Coop” figurehead of the museum. She has complete freedom of content, because all parties know: The museum needs Graslie but Graslie does not necessarily need the museum. The example shows: Traditional companies should not be afraid to jump in personnel decisions on their shadows. We need young “Wilde” and Digital Natives to accomplish the digital transformation successfully.


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