Saturday, July 30, 2016

Apple Watch 2: new, thinner display technology> Macerkopf – Macerkopf – Apple News from Cupertino

30th July 2016 | 9:45 | 0 Comments

Sooner or later Apple will present the Apple Watch. 2 If this is the case in the autumn of 2016, or at least until the Frühjhr 2017? Compared to the iPhone 7 there for Apple Watch 2 relatively few rumors, so we have to wait and see


for the weekend, however, emerged a new rumor for Apple Watch 2. It is said that Apple on the so-called “One Glass Solution” (OGS) rather than on the Glass on Gass (G / G) technology is set. This has Digitims able to find out from Apple Zulieferr TPK Holding.

When One Glass Solution is dispensed with a glass layer as compared to the traditional Glass on Glass technology. This would mean that the used display glass is thinner and Apple provided the housing remains unchanged in size, at the same time has more interior space of the device available. This could be for a bigger battery, additional sensors, etc. are used.

According to TPK Holding production of OGS displays for Apple Watch 2 is still a little bumpy, as it has to deal with production problems.

The large loss for the second quarter what Mainly Because touch panel orders for iPhones continued to decrease, and Apple wants to change touch panel technology from G / G to OGS (one glass solution) in the new Apple Watch to be launched in the second half of 2016, TPK said. The change in touchpanel technology Involved unexpected technological difficulties and THEREFORE yield rates for OGS touch panels were much lower than expected, TPK explained ‘.

It is generally expected that Apple in the design only slight changes compared to the first generation of Apple Watch will make. A faster processor, more powerful chips and a reduced dependence on the iPhone are expected. In addition, Apple is likely to place one or the other new sensor.

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