Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Why technology the magic in The Legend of Zelda: detaches Breath of the Wild – IGN Germany

At E3 2016 Nintendo The Legend of Zelda has: Breath of the Wild presented in detail for the first time. It was also publicized that the latest offshoot technology integrated into the series and for magic drop can. And that also has a specific reason.

Speaking to Polygon explains producer Eiji Aonuma why the developers have decided to take this step. So this is science fiction element, a contrast to the world :

“There are already a few Scie-fi elements in the game. link explored in principle a destroyed world. I wanted to technology as the opposite of destruction install. I thought it would be interesting if the link with technology this wild and destroyed world explored. this adds to the game nor a completely new layer. “

Die Technology is firmly anchored in the story.

But that’s not all. The science fiction elements appears to be firmly anchored in the story. Because Aonuma has indicated that the technology to blame for the destruction of Hyrule could be .

That would also mechanical opponents and the new Dungeons explain which appear in the world. Apparently that’s just the tip of the iceberg

The technology is only one of the new features of The Legend of Zelda:. Breath of the Wild . Here you learn which we enjoyed and which were not entirely convincing us

More than The Legend of Zelda:. Breath of the Wild you learn in our outlook for the game and the gameplay overview of the E3 2016. the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild appear early 2017 parallel for Nintendo NX and Wii U

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About the Author: Jonas Gössling is editorial trainee at IGN Germany and you can follow him on Twitter:. @ jogel19


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