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mobile users can check now even faster and more comfortable about new developments in their region: The shz.de articles on the Android or iOS smartphone now invite in seconds – or even faster. This is made possible Google project “AMP” (Accelerated Mobile Pages – accelerated mobile pages)
How does AMP.?
beginning of 2016. launched the US Internet giant Google his project “AMP” (Accelerated Mobile Pages) under the Digital News initiative (DNI).
With the technology of the code of web pages is radically streamlined and less loaded files. In many cases, it was the ad scripts that make the page loading slow, says shz.de Directory Manager Mario Lorenzen. These were also significantly reduced in AMP-based pages
In addition, the contents are loaded at the precise moment in which they are scrolled on the touchscreen smartphone with a finger in the visible range -. So can already read are, before later required contents are fully assembled.
“We need to reach where they are in the digital world, the people there,” says Joachim Dreykluft, online editor of the sh: z. “And that’s mainly the smartphone.” But he also knows the problems of mobile Internet usage. “Two things often annoying: slow load times and poor legibility. And here we are in our news app really big steps come forward. “
Through the use of open source software by Google Articles invite approximately four times faster than conventional websites. The Internet company sets as the publisher of the system, although the conditions laid, but leaves through the open source principle individual adjustments of the source code to their own needs that can be made using the AMP technology for its range.
for a better reading comfort, the publication has been revised with the item shz.de news app: line spacing and margins and the font have been enlarged and the images square for a better recognition of details. all content automatically
In addition, adjust the display width And there’s another advantage:. Because the visited Internet pages are smaller, saving users both time, it also data volume
. Anyone looking at his smartphone at Google shz.de articles, repels immediately above the conventional search results to some with a lightning icon labeled products. Here is the quick AMP content. The user can swipe through the selection of news articles, a finger tap leads to the complete article. there are multiple images available to view, also performs a wiping movement from one to the next. Clicking on an extra button falls off.
The free news app of shz.de also offers local and regional reporting easy access to top news, current push messages and the main headlines on . the Android Wear smartwatch on your wrist
go to the Downloads:
Q & A around the shz.de news- app:
What does the app do?
- Mobile Optimized display of products and overview pages
- Clear display of all local areas
- Quick access to top issues, SH, Germany & amp; World
- Keyword search
- Simplified Share the article on social media
- Direct link to sh: z ePaper app
- Push News on the major issues
- widget for the message center (Apple) and the Home screen (Android)
- Optimized for Smart Watches
- Quick access via the so-called. “checks” on the Apple Watch
What are push notifications and when I get it ?
Push notifications inform you on special current and controversial issues directly on your phone, even if you have not opened the shz.de News app.
Do you want to receive any push messages from us, you can disable in the app’s settings this course.
How do I install the app on an Android Smartphone?
Choose from your Android smartphone app “Play Store” and look there for shz.de, or open directly the link: link to the Google Play Store app, select the “shz.de News” and click the “Install” button.. After the app is installed on your device and can be opened.
How do I add shz. de News added as a widget to my homescreen?
Once the app is installed, can be added as a widget for the homescreen shz.de News will. Press and hold it in an open space on your home screen until the Setting menu appears. Here you select the “Widgets” from. Search here for “shz.de News”, press and hold the app icon until you can place the widget on your homescreen. Here you can specify the size as well.
How do I install the app on the Android SmartWatch?
The app must first be installed on your Android smartphone. If your Android Watch is connected to your phone, the app syncs directly on your watch. However, this may take a moment. Most new app is first displayed on the smartphone and only a little later on the clock. A notification provides information about the completed installation.
The News App can be found alternatively be initiated via the Android Wear app on the smartphone.
What does the app on the Android SmartWatch?
There are the ten most recent top issues of shz.de displayed. You can add the item but also open on your Android SmartWatch from the Android app on your phone and more there.
Apple iOS
How do I install the app on the iPhone?
Select your iPhone, the app “App Store” from and search for shz .net, or open this link directly on your phone: link to iTunes the iTunes Store only select the “Load” button and already installed the shz.de News App
How do I add shz.de News for iPhone Notification Center?
Once the app is installed, shz.de News for the message center can be added. Pull for the message center from the top of the screen of your iPhone down, press all the way down the “Edit” button and select “shz.de News” to the green “+” – button from. After clicking the button “Finish” (top right) shz.de news displayed in your message center.
How do I install the app on the Apple Watch?
The app must first be installed on your iPhone. Then open on the iPhone the “Apple Watch app”, choose from the list “shz.de News” and select “App on the Apple Watch Show”. If your Apple Watch set so that all compatible apps are added automatically is shz.de news immediately on your Apple Watch available.
What does the app on the Apple Watch?
There are the ten most recent top issues of shz.de displayed. This can be read directly on the clock in full length can be the products but also open on your Apple watch from the iPhone app and more there
Note “Show checks”:.. here can also be activated be that the latest top message appears on the Quick access (vouchers). More information about vouchers, visit apple.com
Do you have any questions or Remarks? Then send us an email to apps@shz.de.
We look forward to your feedback!
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