Saturday, July 2, 2016

Hotspot, Cloud, Hashtag & Co. – as IT & Technology change language – WirtschaftsWoche


How IT innovations have the meaning of various terms in a short time changed fundamentally -. In English but also in German

The fact that language changes over time, is for taken of course nothing new: the extent to which the German has changed, simply proves a look back at the time of Goethe early 19th century

each epoch is also influenced by respective historical influences, just think of the Huguenot religious refugees from France and among others arising therefrom French loanwords in English from the 17th century.

comparable manner, the language was coined in just the past two decades much of IT and technology. So many words have their former significance largely lost – and be partly understood completely different

While this applies first and foremost for the English , simply because many technical innovations are of US origin. Some of the terms are, however, long since recovered also in the colloquial German

One example is Hotspot. Originally a tourist attraction was meant in English, even and especially in the nightlife. Today the majority of people probably only understand one thing the world – a long-awaited and often free wireless access to the Internet -. Whether in coffee shops or library

Similarly, does the term cloud today english and Germans alike: and above all as an umbrella term for one of the most important IT megatrends, namely the use of software and the storage of data in the Internet cloud instead of the conventional converter

Many other such examples. such as hashtag, cookie, troll or spam in the following infographic:

source: Decluttr

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