At the beginning was from Fujitsu Semiconductor, the distribution company of the Group, the Fujitsu Electronics Europe GmbH, a distributor. What changes and what strategy will be pursued explains FEEU CEO Axel Tripkewitz exclusively in electronic interview.
Electronics: to beginning was from Fujitsu Semiconductor Fujitsu Electronics Europe GmbH. What changed with the name
Axel Tripkewitz : had With Fujitsu it occurred in the past several changes: the MCU business was now sold to Cypress Spansion; In addition, we were involved in the founding of the company Socionext, Fujitsu holds 40 percent of the shares in. At Fujitsu Semiconductor remained the sales company which operates under Fujitsu Electronics Europe since January this year. Apart from the existing products (ASIC, FRAM, graphics controller), we now also sell more offers from the Fujitsu World (Shinko (Packages), FITC (high-end PCBs), MIFS (foundry services) and add deviated now product lines other . This is important to manufacturers for our group not new. What many do not know is that Fujitsu Electronics responsible in Japan for some time distribution for ams and Osram in Japan business with third-party products, we are now building out successively . Our three key markets are Automotive, Communication and Industrial. In the Healthcare business, we will also launch more activities of this comes as a fourth pillar.
Electronics: Do you think with Healthcare inpatient medical applications or wearables
Tripkewitz: of course, wearables However, we will mainly focus on professional applications with measurement electronics.. Here we are thinking in particular of the ultra-low-power technologies offered by MIFS in a foundry model. The extremely low power consumption of the circuits they are particularly appropriate for long-term measurements without intermediate charging. In the commercial health and wellness area is available in Europe only a limited group of customers
Electronics:. Do you offer customization, eg PCB
Tripkewitz:? we get for customized applications for a partner into the boat. We see ourselves more as a mediator between the customer and the product manufacturers: For our clients we bring i.a. the right products and manufacturers for the required market-specific expertise. Our goal is to align the line cards of our suppliers according to market needs. We will also intensify our activities in the field of market development: How developed the market what the market needs and what trends emerge? This knowledge is passed on to both sides so that may arise new products and innovations by our input. Furthermore, we differentiate ourselves from other distributors
Electronics:. So a bit of a sleuth – find the best things and bring back
Tripkewitz: ? We are watching the market closely. Of course, we also serve the traditional distribution business: Order Fulfillment – even for lower margins. But again back to the products: in addition to semiconductors and other electronic components of the Fujitsu-world we also accept third party with the portfolio. We examine whether the manufacturers complement our line card sense and satisfy the very important for us to quality. So we work with TED, Tokyo Electronic Device, together, offering their own branded Inrevium FPGA boards. We try synergies in two directions to produce. Once through the bringing together of customers and suppliers, but on the other hand also by the broader support of our customers, because in a foundry or ASIC project is also often an FPGA for prototyping needs.
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