Saturday, July 23, 2016

Technological progress: Makes us Google stupid? – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

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Dumb is just stupid does, and life is like a box of chocolates: Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump had to not only be told by Google

in the summer of 2010 was a Swedish couple travel by car from Venice on the holiday island of Capri. But when she typed the names in their device underwent the traveler a typo. They did not land on the Gulf of Naples, but 660 km further north in the tourists rarely frequented industrial city Carpi. That Capri is an island and they had to take the ferry, was the tourists apparently not noticed. A transposed letters, and the Odyssey was programmed.

We leave today blind on the technique. Navi one, brains out. This can sometimes be fatal. David Brooks, a conservative columnist “New York Times” wrote already almost ten years ago in an opinion article entitled “The Outsourced Brain” (The outsourced brain): “Since the dawn of humanity people had to worry about how they by come here to there. I myself was caught at dinner parties where the conversation turned only to commuter routes. My GPS God freed me from this drudgery. “Geographic information available from the head to a satellite brain delegate felt to” like Nirvana. “

The release from the burden of having to find your own way, brings also its curse with it. “Until that moment I had thought that the magic of the information age lies in the fact that we can know more,” writes Brooks. In fact, the opposite is true: The Information Age allows us to know as little as never before. If the knowledge of the world is available anytime, anywhere, what then something else remember?

It opens a Wikipedia page and encounters a barrage of facts. Or you google a term or a person’s name. Here one must not even enter the whole word or know how it is spelled that does the AutoComplete function automatically for you. If you tap about the words “Machines” and “Take” in Google’s search slot adds autocompletion for “machines take over the world” or “machines take over jobs”. Machinenen take over the world and take the jobs away – not that ironic because it is a machine or yes – more precisely – an algorithm, which informs us of the machine competition. We must consult machines, what machines will make us human.

What we have ever even know if Google is as thoughts prosthesis on demand available and cognitive processes are at least partially automated. The Internet critic Nicholas Carr has raised the question in a much-essay for the American magazine “The Atlantic” 2008 whether Google make us stupid. Carr makes the case that the Internet is a giant distraction machine that robs the people the ability to “deep reading”, ie the thorough reading. In several books, most recently in “The Glass Cage”, the author has developed this theory further. For his criticism he was scolded violently the Internet critic Evgeny Morozov slating the work. But Carr’s concerns are not so easy to dismiss the

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