In the current debate on the future of journalism is mostly all about technology and economics. Beyond that, however, sprout substantive reform approaches demand the company more political approaches.
The media economist Frank Lobigs and Gerret of Nordheim have 2014 volume entitled “Journalism is not a business model” submitted. describes Therein the “partly amazingly positive results” in management and – lo and behold – media regulation, “to continue to preserve the autonomy of journalism”
For the same purpose, another set is here similar to programmatically sent after:. journalism is not a technology! This impression sometimes comes to mind when you listen to professional debates, media Magazine reading or publishing brochures by going after new research volumes. Far ahead is in these arenas of self-mirroring function – the How , the ways and means – yes, what? It’s about tools and trends, software and systems, programs and platforms. Far behind are interpretation and meaning, the What and Why both fade in the feature world .
The journalistic technology Primat is no longer dominant, it has become more than handy. Added to the Wirtschaftsdiktum comes with its questions about business models, pay walls, editorial investment returns and the like Schwurbeleien more – to be discussed, of course. Just not all the time. Because there are other senior disciplines, not just the economy. Not every idea must be immediately marketable, they should be tried. And there must be both public and private financial flows that must be earned again immediately, unless be strengthened with them the quality and independence of journalism.
Journalism as upstanding common good
Let us remember that independent journalism, understood as a cultural process and normative working Selbstverständigungs- and expression of pluralistic democracies must first fulfill social responsibilities. Therefore journalism is overall an ethical operation, an upstanding common knowledge that serves the social self-understanding and the political integration and participation first.
At this ethic primacy that agree well with the emergence of journalism humanism and enlightenment out leaves must be reminded so frumpy. Because if found between technology and economy barely different interpretation frame space is tight. In the 1990s, similar findings were discussed under the heading of communication ecology, to which it is worthwhile to return again. In terms of a derived practical journalistic Ecology therefore can remember with Christian Schicha mind that mass media communication is to assess the effect,
“how they anzielt participatory forms of communication, supported and enabled, how they to contributes to ensure people an equal opportunity to participate, whether they reveal existing relationships distorted, vermachteter public communications and overcomes, to work to overcome them and how they emancipatory and advocatory for the right of all and enters on the ability of all to communicate . “
But stop! Too negatively the consideration must not fail, because in addition to all the technological innovations – in this context, the plastic word would be allowed – there are increasingly content oriented reform approaches that have emerged in the creative backyard of the crisis and now slowly pass through the door in the front yard of the industry: visible, flourishing, discursive, ethically. Be it peace and solution journalism, Constructive News, investigative journalism, Slow Media, Long form journalism, literary writing, new green approaches or nonprofit media make – the list of projects with inhaltlichem, critical approach has become long
So the various approaches that were often approached with the USA, in detail also. In union, they are by their quality and the critical perspective on the previous media events: to disaster oriented to accelerate and engineered to short and piecemeal way, too shallow consistently and relevant, hardly sustainable and ecologically in a broad sense, to privatized and socio forget – the critical approaches wide. but make together on perspectives from which have fallen into the niche in the wake of the neoliberal paradigm and of individual self-commodification: collectivity, society covers, grandson capability, large chunks instead technologieaffiner Kleinteiligkeit. And relevance as well as responsibility, which already was the slogan of the annual meeting of the German Society for Journalism and Communication Sciences , 2015. Unfortunately there was then again the smallness in between, but still: The civil community has recognized the signs that point to a return of ethics in the mass media theory and practice. This finding also supports the powerful network media ethics and the construction two like professors in recent years.
But it is not just about Theo Riege magic, because many of the content-oriented projects come from the practice, are practical. You want to provide proof and can follow their own criticism deeds. For this claim initiatives are like the nonprofit research agency corrective , the solution journalists from Perspective Daily , Media service integration , the network vision em for media sustainability or environmental journalism platforms Green journalism and <> media doctor environment . Finally, some new priorities in colleges and universities as in Lüneburg, St. Augustine or Ansbach, where you can study environmental journalism.
Slightly older approaches such as the Initiative News Enlightenment or some 15-year-old Nerzwerk Search show that the relevance of thinking and the socio-political attitude in journalism were always there. These pioneers now joined by new players added, with none of them attaches a fundamental criticism of the media and journalism condemned, as part of society and in some places in the yellow press is chic even today. The substantive reform approaches want to journalism simply add an additive and remind him of old tasks that have atrophied in the course of Hyper hurry and Ultra Save. This includes having time for research and reflection, the courage to new, even experimental forms and thinking in the mode we place only in the first-person perspective. Michael Gleich describes this reminder in the Media Magazine for constructive journalism. This is ultimately
“ the memory of lost virtues. Would not it be really obvious chronicler duty to document problems besides the search for solutions? The sins of omission in this area not only lead to apathy of the audience. They distort heavily the perceived reality . “
financing? Please look to the north
As the experiments out and whether it is possible to permanently add the technology-economy complex with them the media ethics and social thinking, is difficult to say. The success of the Search network is encouraging. Fear makes against the fact that many projects are financed by external funds, often from foundations, the crowd or patrons. . And this even temporarily
In order to give the socially relevant quality journalism maintenance, it needs perhaps new forms of financing – such, in this country is not so much talked about. The charitable status of journalism would be a positive step. Next would draw models of public finance press, as practiced for a long time in Scandinavia. With independent decision-making bodies, strict criteria and a focus on regional and smaller media.
The international reporting of Swedish and Norwegian local papers is independent and passable available, because these micro and small houses were aids. Because they are considered common property to preserve the diversity of opinions. Of this could be for the German new relevance projects to learn as well as local media, taken as a whole under the insane Branchendiktum suffer most: namely with fewer staff in less time increasingly complex and still increasing in the number of threads to produce an overall better quality more attractive to can.
New Publika eco-social type
the view is adjusted, if again an eternally creative Verlagsmanager screams this multiple paradox in the media landscape. The view widens but soon, when looked at from the podiums away deep into the society. There new million-Publika incurred namely in recent years, which also call for relevance and represent living ethics. There is talk of a new eco-social milieu that could not yet bring sociology because of its complexity to a common denominator; perhaps this is also not possible. What is clear is that millions of people are involved in a new form, try things out and do so publicly. And there are young and the old, the in transition towns or exchange and subgroups cavort like the urban gardeners and in solidarity agriculture, Repair cafes, clothes gyros, nutrition councils, energy cooperatives, the new social entrepreneurship, in Campact and not least the many refugee groups. Despite the variety of the groups is the relevance and public interest orientation opposite a market orientation and direct benefit to thinking.
And here the parallels with the current substantive reform initiatives runs in journalism as if he were in the shift to this new Publika additional success , So far there are not many media for this somewhat diffuse green-red medium; in the niche report Extremely , Oya and others. but are constantly being small magazines to recent “ E ” from the bio publisher . Rather unobserved done these foundations. But they emphasize that something is happening at the level of socially-transformative magazine discourses -. of relevant blogs and platforms to mention
between escapism and transformation
Full A lot has happened already in the escapist discourses, at the media presentation of Landidylle and small-scale feel-good nature. There are now some 20 books, which bear the “Land” in the title. It adds new consciousness magazines such as Flow and Slow; a million business emerged, often ignored by the big houses, then imitated scared and quickly. And mostly all on paper.
This new target groups often deny the relevance, being run in sequence Land Art and select still and protest can go and insofar as the black and white division is possibly between transformation and escapism too coarse. But the land issues are now times scolded by the major media, not without justification as organs of the neo-Biedermeier and being apolitical
Yet can them read an implicit motive that lead the journalistic relevance projects explicitly in the banner.: time sovereignty. Parent it comes to the realization that the whole of society as individual action now takes place in a combination of Hyper hurry and synchronicities that anyone does more good. Neither the psyche yet Articles, either corporate balance sheets still reflected thinking about ethics and professional.
The journalistic approaches to reform are all freestyle against hasty duty are side paths that need to be opened and then need recess, before especially for research, but also for creativity, team work, perseverance. All this takes time as a basic resource and therefore a professional time prosperity, which is much more than a few minutes saved in terms of efficiency. It is about a different journalistic term culture, which needs the new projects as a determinant of their success, so the journalism total for its persistence in quality and independence.
To find this could be one of the most urgent Aufgagen for media and his research. Because of the relationship between time, quality and creativity is obvious. A new medium is now caused by various journalism projects that could be carriers of a slightly different understood professionalism – one that combines the relevance thinking and reflection with ethical attitude and constructively critical products that go into depth by existing time and clearances. to develop this professionalism could not only make sense but also fun. At least one has the impression that most Assets her journalism brings joy in the Relevance projects when a speaks of them and it listens to what the next plans are and who could with whom to make a difference.
the text appears as part of the dossier “journalism – education or animation work?”, which is realized in cooperation with the Otto Brenner Foundation. The starting point is that there published working paper “journalist or a trainer – a professional in transition. Theses, analyzes and materials for journalism debate “by Hans-Jürgen Arlt and Wolfgang Storz. We set the debate in the coming weeks away.
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