Saturday, February 20, 2016

Technology: US government wants court order access to iPhone … – THE WORLD

The US government has once again turned to the judiciary in order to achieve access to the iPhone the assassin of San Bernardino from Apple. The Justice Department in Washington turned on Friday to a federal court, because the Californian Technology Center with a court order opposes to help the FBI in the decryption of the phones of the San Bernardino assassin Syed Farook.

judge Sheri Pym had the group on Tuesday instructed the investigators to gain access to the data stored on the iPhone. Apple CEO Tim Cook criticized that his company should build “a backdoor for the iPhone”. but to develop such a software was “too dangerous”. Appliances in “wrong hands”, so that iPhone could be decrypted.

The Department of Justice now declared, the court order requires Apple does not, as of the Group claims to open a back door on each iPhone. In addition, it seems that Apple especially intrigues “Marketing worries”. The company will not be asked to hand over sensitive software that could be used by hackers. A court hearing is scheduled for 22 March.

The Islamist attack in California San Bernardino early December, a couple had shot 14 people before it by the police was killed in a shootout. Investigators it has not yet demonstrated how to bypass the lock of the iPhone by Syed Farook. The case has led the US to a new debate on encryption and security.

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