Friday, February 26, 2016

Technology: Apple proposes in dispute over iPhone decryption experts … – THE WORLD

In the dispute over the deciphering of the iPhone an assassin of San Bernardino Apple Group has submitted a compromise proposal. If the US government reversed make their legal action, Apple will participate in an expert panel for such decryption cases, the company wrote on Monday on its website. The judicial process would set a precedent that would expand the powers of the government.

Apple CEO Tim Cook also turned in a communication to the employees of the company , In it he wrote that Apple is not willing to ensure its phones and software scale down, which allowed only the user access. “This case goes far beyond a single telephone or a single investigation beyond”, he stressed. “The data security of hundreds of millions of law abiding people is at stake,” he warned. It should not “dangerous precedent” would be created by the civil liberties of all were threatened.

The FBI asks the Californian technology group, in decoding the mobile phone of the San Bernardino assassin Syed Farook to help. However, Apple rejects this inter alia on the grounds that the state had demanded that companies should incorporate “a backdoor for the iPhone” in order to gain access to data.

The US Justice Department said on the other hand, there would Apple not required to open a back door on each iPhone. The FBI stressed that there should be only one way to be created to approach quickly to a password in the event of an investigation. “We do not want to crack the encryption of all or introduce a master key,” said FBI Director James Comey. It is about “the victims and justice.”

The Islamist attack in San Bernardino, California in early December, a couple had shot 14 people before it by the police was killed in a shootout. Investigators has so far failed to overturn the lock of the iPhone by Syed Farook. The case resulted in the US to a new debate on encryption and security.

Apple threw investigators before they had the lock in question assassin phones themselves inflicted. While the phone was in the FBI, the Apple ID password has been changed. Then the phone was not able to be able to access iCloud service, in which documents, photos and other data of the assassin could be saved.

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