Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Armor budgets, technology, drones: Experts warn: why the … loses – ABC Online


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The technical superiority of the West in the military goes back. Complex military technologies such as cruise missiles and unmanned drones have become in recent years in more countries than previously available.


The technical superiority of the West in the military goes back. That explained the head of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), John Chipman

The main reason:. Especially China and Russia are in the “development and use of advanced military capabilities increasingly active”


Just the technological distance of the West is small. In the 21st century it is no longer merely concerned with aircraft, tanks and warships when military technology the speech be, but also to cyber security, cyber-weapons and drones.

The EU and NATO must be better Vote

the military spending, the US company still by far the first place. They were in 2015, according to IISS at around 528 billion euros. Then came China with 129 billion Euros, Saudi Arabia with 72.75 billion euros, Russia with 58.27 billion euros and Great Britain with 49.92 billion euros. The share of military spending in the gross domestic product in the United States fell between 2010 and 2015 from 4.63 percent to 3.27 percent.

The number of army battalions in Europe NATO countries in the past 15 years from 649 to 185 like. France and Great Britain reduced the number of fighter jets significantly.

To meet the growing threat from Russia to master, the EU and NATO should coordinate more intensively, advises the Institute.

Stealth Bomber B-3: US wants invincible with 550 million Superjet be



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