Sunday, February 14, 2016

Plans from the UK: New battery technology lets your smartphone more … – ABC Online


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The company Intelligent Energy from the United Kingdom announced that it has entered into a cooperation with a smartphone manufacturer. With the technology of the company smartphones could thus for more than a week persevere without an electrical outlet.


Large, bright displays and fast processors suck the battery of a smartphone nowadays usually empty in less than 24 hours. Consumers long for a solution to this problem. It has long been talking that fuel cells could provide mobile devices away from electrical outlets with energy.

Now, this technology appears to be to make a breakthrough. Together with an unnamed smartphone maker, the company Intelligent Energy wants to work on integrated fuel cell for smartphones.

Fuel cells are, for example, with hydrogen or methanol cartridges. Transform into an oxidation energy released in electricity. This power could then keep your smartphone more than a week on the run.

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There is already a prototype of the smartphone fuel cell. It fits to thicken in an iPhone 6 without this, such as the “Daily mail” reported . Intelligent Energy makes in its press release no information on when the first smartphone with fuel cells will come on the market.

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