Monday, February 29, 2016

New generation of angels New CEO, new technology –

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‘; $ (Status) .update (out); //f.focus (); $ (Status) .show (); return false; } If (( == ‘cu_change_pass1′) & amp; & amp; (f.value.length Please enter a password with at least six characters ‘;. $ (Status) .update ( out); $ (status) .show (); //f.focus (); return false;} if (( == ‘cu_change_pass2′) & amp; & amp; ($ ( ‘cu_change_pass1′). value! = f.value)) {out = out + ‘

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Please choose a title

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Please enter your phone number

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Please enter the code of your mobile phone, including a country code, e.g .: 43664

..”); $ ( ‘Statusvw’) show (). field.focus (); return false; } Else {if ($ ( ‘cu_change_ad_telvw’) = undefined & amp;! & Amp;. $ ( ‘Cu_change_ad_telvw’) value == ”). $ ( ‘Cu_change_ad_telvw’) value = vw.replace (/^../, ’0′); field.value = vw; $ ( ‘Status’) hide (). return true; }} Function check number (field) {$ ( ‘statusn’) hide (). vw = field.value.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); vw = vw.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); vw = vw.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); if (vw.length 0) {$ ( ‘statusn’) update ( “

Please enter your phone number

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Please wait …

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error:’ ‘) update (.’ + msg + ‘

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An error has occurred. The mobile phone number could not be verified.
Please contact the following error message on digital @ news. at

“+ e +”

“); return false; }} Event.observe (window, “load”, (e) function {$ $ ( “.reg_input input”) each (function (el) {el.observe ( ‘blur’, checkRegField). El.observe ( ‘ KeyDown ‘, function () {$ (‘ status’) hide ();.});});});

security question
How much 43 – 10 WORK?


Friday, February 26, 2016

CFO must be digital – financial and economic


As a CFO can be a terribly frightened, one considers the rapid digitization of the economy in mind – or you see them as an opportunity. Velocity, variety and volume of data growing relentlessly. “Curse and a blessing for CFOs”, it brings EY in a study to the point. Deloitte advisor Markus Koch sees CFOs in the innovation requirement and gives the example of Starbucks: “Their finance department came up with the idea to simplify the payment process for customers through prepaid cards. This sounds perhaps trivial, but the effect was $ 2 billion more cash in the till. “

The aim of a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) must be to take advantage of the growing amount of data so that both a are better reporting and better predictions about, says Ulrich Amberg, head of consulting at KPMG Switzerland, talks to FuW. The role of the CFO is changing radically, digitization always play more in their profile in if his appraisal.

model social networks

Alexander Vocelka, Partner and Head Steering Lab in advising Horváth & amp; Partners, is convinced, the Chief Financial Officer will be the main driver of digitalisation in business and at the same time their main users. The CFO think holistically and not functional, is his justification. For this, the CFO must ensure that its instruments can keep pace with the development. Vocelka occurring in Basel also at SAP Forum 2016, advises CFOs to provide the course today to be properly positioned in five or ten years.

So far would the possibilities of data analysis of CFOs only used a small percentage, reported Markus Koch, partner and Head of Manufacturing innovation of Deloitte Switzerland. “Schier endless slumber data to himself, to do but often only the most necessary for the statutory financial statements,” says the Deloitte consultants. However, the transaction data would offer much more, and this is an opportunity for the CFO, even more to think strategically and to gain internally BusinessPartner influence. “That’s in most Swiss companies still in its infancy,” says Koch.

Alessandro Miolo, Director Assurance EY Switzerland, reported that initiatives were often rather anecdotal, it lacked partly a broad-based strategy. Many CFO put too little on an effective combination of data

In practice, actually everything does not seem to go so fast. Thomas Scherr, CFO of SAP (Switzerland), may look great interest of Swiss CFOs the possibilities and the company wanted to “get involved front”. to Consider, however, the investment in new technologies in the past year, is the neighboring countries of Switzerland ahead of a big step.

In the long run, the hesitation may retaliate. The process of digitization has the potential to make the business model of a company and whose value streams in question. Companies should begin digitizing «retail» and promote the process further. Scherr advises CFOs to actively address the issue and to challenge the management.

Following the example of social networks, companies need to connect internally says Horváth consultant Vocelka. It is not enough in his estimation, to process data from a one-dimensional function, but would need a lot of variables from different perspectives are valued, be it from the distribution, the purchase or development. Markus Koch Deloitte has accordingly indicated that innovation does not only concern products but also entire business models and processes.

So far, mostly static systems are in the company have been built, with aggregate, backward figures. According to Ulrich Amberg at KPMG Switzerland helps but little, about to learn about customer needs and trends, and to anticipate developments.

“Renaissance of the bazaar”

“What it has long been in theory already exists, can now increasingly be implemented using technology such as in-memory databases,” says Amberg. Analyzes of data sets are much more meaningful, because even very large, very heterogeneous data could be evaluated, and everything happens much more agile, in real time. “In the past it has often taken weeks or months to program a new report, only to realize that you may not use it,” says Amberg. Now be real-time analysis possible in practice. The executives can thanks to interactive dashboards work with live data

Vocelka predicts that management decisions are increasingly being specified by data. “Where now rotated for example locally at the sales, it is decided centrally in future, to based on data from the IT system. “the company can always quickly identify what the customer wants, and customize products or services. They can be provided in real time with optimal, individual prices, which then change dynamically over time. The passing already in the airline industry, but even in the retail sector thanks to electronic price tags and will cover all sectors, Vocelka expected: “Big Data and digitization allow highly flexible and individual pricing and thus to a certain extent also the renaissance of the bazaar.”

CFOs need their roles revise the central task of CFO is an overview of the financial situation of the company available deliver. With digitalization rising claims, as regards the pace and quality of the data. Stakeholders are the management addition among other auditors, lenders and investors. In addition, the CFO must develop strategies to optimize the processes and plan the use of financial resources. This is about supplier and customer relationships, the product and service portfolio as well as production and innovation processes.

Many CFOs stuck in this country according to Alessandro Miolo of EY Switzerland nor in a traditional role perception. “They focus on budgeting, forecasting, and the compilation of the historical financial information, but would have to be much stronger than strategic driver of innovation processes position,” says Miolo. Who pay enough attention to the digitization, is successful, EY concludes from a survey of 652 CFOs worldwide: Almost half of those who give the issue high priority, have increased the Ebitda in three years more than 10%. Of the rest, the only managed one-third.

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) use has not by far the opportunities of digitization. Only 53% stated in the EY-study, to make a significant contribution to the question of where and how digitalization in the company can create value. Bitter needed is better coordination between the IT and financial strategy: Only 55% said CFO and the Chief Information Officer (CIO) are completely or matched essentially. Although CFO actually be the main users of data, say, only half, a significant or very significant contribution to improving the IT strategy, IT architecture and processes afford to.

Digitisation is also at the SAP Forum of 8/9. March Basel topic. “Finanz und Wirtschaft” is the media.


“Upday”: This app will revolutionize News World – THE WORLD

combine journalism with technology. This challenge is the new news service “Upday” which is being presented at the “Mobile World Congress” in Barcelona. Behind the developed specifically for Samsung smartphones App is Axel Springer, also publisher of “World” and “image”.

The cooperation between the South Korean technology group Samsung and Springer was announced last fall. By the end of this year, the app be installed “at least ten million smartphones,” says “Upday” -Produktchef Jan-Eric Peters, who was previously “WeltN24″ editor in chief.

as of March, so it looks loud Peters before the agreement with Samsung, “Upday” will be pre-installed on new Samsung smartphones. Wipe the user on the first home screen to the right, the message it will open. First is the offer for users in Germany, Poland, Great Britain and France are available. Other countries will follow. Samsung’s market share in smartphones in Europe to be around 40 percent.

Background of the cooperation is the interest of smartphone manufacturers like Samsung, its users Services to offer , The smartphone is every man for mobile personal information and entertainment center. News Offers bind users and meet the need for orientation and classification of events.

An algorithm to select items matched

now what to do “Upday” special and distinct, is the division of the message digest, which is presented to users. There is, for a six to eight “top news”, which are selected by an editorial. Here a defined editorial point of view of relevance include primarily. Secondly, look for a filter in the second section called “My News” those articles that are likely to be interested in an individual viewers most.

Each user specifies, what subjects interest him. Simultaneously, the technology detects behind the app, which posts a user has read and watched. The more often one calls the App and read it, the better is the action taken by an algorithm selection of contributions are.

The “Upday” -Redaktionen not write complete article, but provide concise an issue in a few sentences ago. Will a user know more about it, it will be forwarded to an external news service.

The “aggregator” provides for filtering and summarizing relevant topics, read and looked then on other sites. In Germany “Upday” currently working with around 300 publishers and TV stations throughout Europe with about 1,000 news sources, says Peter Würtenberger, the CEO of the Springer subsidiary.

“Upday” on a networked refrigerator screen

The business model of “Upday” also based and in mainly due to the recording of advertising. “Wipe” a user through the summaries of contributions, also known as “card”, to be a paid by companies advertising message in the medium every tenth card. The “embedding” of advertising in the news flow should lead to greater acceptance of people who react more allergic or hostile to traditional digital banner advertising. This thesis will be to prove in daily test.

“Upday” stands with his concept that is obviously not alone. “News360″, for example, offers a similar personalized news surface, as “News Republic” or “Nuzzel”. An interface for social media profile of a user such apps also realize interested in what topics a user, or what topics inspire even virtual friends a user. However, these deals have generally not their own editors.

settled In the conglomerates Facebook, Apple and Twitter, which generate even own message streams. All three companies have set in recent years increasingly on the integration of news sources, because they find their content themselves attractive to attract users and to bind.

The imagination knows few limits in the extension of the playing surfaces, one follows CEO Peter Würtenberger. So he could “Upday” imagine on a networked refrigerator screen, he says. The path to the bathroom mirror should there not be far.

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Tech stocks: fear of Crash 2.0 – Mittelbayerische



 Technology shares were hit particularly hard during the stock market crash since the beginning. Bursts another tech bubble?
By Hannes Breustedt, dpa

 . 13 February 2016


New York Only “unicorns” slaughtered, now Internet giants come under pressure: has the tech sector on the stock exchange a miserable start gets the new year. Investors no longer believe the rosy growth prospects, on which the high valuations of many companies are based. Memories of the “dot com crash” the millennium will be called back to mind. Bursts yet another tech bubble?

15 percent, the Nasdaq Composite Index Composite, are listed in the industry heavyweights like Apple, Google or Amazon Alphabet mother, lost since the beginning. This means that growth since the end of 2014 gone, lost hundreds of billions of market capitalization. Investors had in 2016, although in any case not much to laugh – even the US index S & P 500 was almost ten percent. But tech stocks have come under particularly heavy wheels.

It could even fatter come

Experts warn that things could get even fatter. “I definitely believe that we are dealing in this market with inflated ratings,” said Hany Nada, founder of venture capital firm GGV Capital, recently CNBC. Partly companies were traded twice reasonable.

began operation of the “Tech-storm” in the past year with increasing skepticism in start-ups that are not yet listed on the stock exchange. For a long time these companies showered with money investors, but then turned the mood. Hopefuls mentioned the potential of “Unicorns” (Unicorns) was scrutinized at a time.

When “Unicorns” (mostly tech) refers to companies that create a market of over a billion dollars off the market. Prominent examples are Uber, Airbnb, or Snapchat. A murmur went through the market, as one of the Unicorns – the payment service Square by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey – the IPO in autumn rated significantly lower than was previously in a round of financing for investors.

Also Amazon and Twitter being targeted

Even with other companies looked backers suddenly closer. So the big fund company Fidelity corrected the value of their investment in the photo app Snapchat by a quarter down. Investors realized that maybe not all the highly traded tech pearls will fulfill their promise of growth

The doubts widened from -. The largest in the industry came now targeted by the markets. Amazon lost since the beginning of about a quarter of Akienwerts, Twitter almost a third, LinkedIn more than half. Even Apple and alphabet – the two most expensive listed companies in the world – could not escape the downward and were last with ten and nine percent in the red.

While some companies have major problems – Yahoo or Twitter kriseln strong. Apple and alphabet but rake in billions and sitting on huge cash mountains. The quarterly figures do not explain the downward trend: 65 percent of tech companies surpassed analysts’ expectations – that was only 49 percent in the S & amp; P 500

So the sale is actually just as to interpret fundamental rethinking of investors. Warnings of a bubble, there is a long time. The reviews seem partly really like a very bold bet on the future – for example, the car service app Uber is rated in the financing rounds of investors despite red numbers with over 50 billion dollars, higher than auto giant as the Opel’s parent General Motors.

Nevertheless, most analysts say that the comparison with the bursting of the millennium the Internet bubble limps. Reminder: Back then swallowed the Internet Dino AOL, Verizon in May 2015 for $ 4.4 billion, bought Time Warner for more than 160 billion dollars. Although expert Marko Kolanović JPMorgan believes that for the time being is still going down with the tech values. “I would not say that we are dealing with a full blown bubble in the sector.”

 Click here to return to the resort business.



Google integrates virtual reality technology in Android –

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‘; $ (Status) .update (out); //f.focus (); $ (Status) .show (); return false; } If (( == ‘cu_change_pass1′) & amp; & amp; (f.value.length Please enter a password with at least six characters ‘;. $ (Status) .update ( out); $ (status) .show (); //f.focus (); return false;} if (( == ‘cu_change_pass2′) & amp; & amp; ($ ( ‘cu_change_pass1′). value! = f.value)) {out = out + ‘

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Please choose a title

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Please enter the code of your mobile phone, including country code, eg: 43664 “); $ ( ‘statusvw’) show (). //f.focus (); return false; } Else {if ($ ( ‘cu_change_ad_telvw’) = undefined & amp;! & Amp;. $ ( ‘Cu_change_ad_telvw’) value == ”). $ ( ‘Cu_change_ad_telvw’) value = vw.replace (/^../, ’0′); f.value = vw; $ ( ‘Status’) hide (). return true; }} If ( == ‘cu_change_ad_mobil’) {$ ( ‘statusn’) hide (). vw = f.value.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); vw = vw.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); vw = vw.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); if (vw.length 0) {$ ( ‘statusn’) update ( “

Please enter your phone number

..”); $ ( ‘Statusn’) show (). //f.focus (); return false; } Else {if ($ ( ‘cu_change_ad_telefon’) = undefined & amp;! & Amp; $ ( ‘cu_change_ad_telefon’) value == ‘.’) $ ( ‘Cu_change_ad_telefon’) value = vw. f.value = vw; $ ( ‘Statusn’) hide (). return true; }} Return true; } Function check code (field) {$ ( ‘statusvw’) hide (). vw = field.value.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); vw = vw.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); vw = vw.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); vw = vw.replace (/ 0 * ([1-9] +) 0 * ( d +) /, ‘$ 1 $ 2′); if (vw.length 0) {// number.focus (); $ ( ‘Statusvw’) update ( “

Please enter the code of your mobile phone, including a country code, e.g .: 43664

..”); $ ( ‘Statusvw’) show (). field.focus (); return false; } Else {if ($ ( ‘cu_change_ad_telvw’) = undefined & amp;! & Amp;. $ ( ‘Cu_change_ad_telvw’) value == ”). $ ( ‘Cu_change_ad_telvw’) value = vw.replace (/^../, ’0′); field.value = vw; $ ( ‘Status’) hide (). return true; }} Function check number (field) {$ ( ‘statusn’) hide (). vw = field.value.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); vw = vw.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); vw = vw.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); if (vw.length 0) {$ ( ‘statusn’) update ( “

Please enter your phone number

..”); $ ( ‘Statusn’) show (). field.focus (); return false; } Else {if ($ ( ‘cu_change_ad_telefon’) = undefined & amp;! & Amp; $ ( ‘cu_change_ad_telefon’) value == ‘.’) $ ( ‘Cu_change_ad_telefon’) value = vw. field.value = vw; $ ( ‘Statusn’) hide (). return true; }} Function check number (number, seed, secret, myform) {// alert ( “number =” + number + “seed =” + seed + “secret =” + secret); var ret = ‘foo’; var referer = ”; $ ( ‘Status’) hide (). if return false (check code ($ ( ‘preselection’))!); if (! check number ($ ( ‘number’))) return false; try {$ ( ‘status’) show (). . $ ( ‘Status’) update ( ‘

Please wait …

‘); if ( (/ referer_backup /)) {referer =; } Var request = jQuery.ajax ({url: “/scripts/checkMobilenumber.php” type: “POST”, data: { ‘number’: number, ‘seed’: seed, ‘secret’: secret, ‘referer’ : referer}, success: function (msg) {$ ( ‘status’) update ( ‘

‘ + msg + ‘

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error:’ ‘) update (.’ + msg + ‘

‘);}}, error: function (jqXHR, text status) {$ ( ‘status’) update ( ‘

error:’ + msg + ‘

‘);}}. ); } Catch (e) {$ ( ‘status’). Update ( “

An error has occurred. The mobile phone number could not be verified.
Please contact the following error message on digital @ news. at

“+ e +”

“); return false; }} Event.observe (window, “load”, (e) function {$ $ ( “.reg_input input”) each (function (el) {el.observe ( ‘blur’, checkRegField). El.observe ( ‘ KeyDown ‘, function () {$ (‘ status’) hide ();.});});});

security question
How much 43 – 10 WORK?


Myriad writes loss – financial and economic

The mobile software developer reported a sales decline of more than 30% for the fiscal year. The outlook for 2016 is cautious.

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for keyword


(AWP) The mobile software developer Myriad ( MYRN 2.65 – 7.99% ) in fiscal 2015 suffered due to the expiry of the short message service msngr significant revenue losses. This could not be offset by the new platform Versy. Sales decreased by 32% to $ 27.3 million back, as the company announced on Thursday evening.

The EBITDA before non-recurring charges amounted to EUR 13.1 million after plus 7.5 million in Previous year. The result was affected by non-cash related expenses of $ 47.5 million. These include some adjustments to the 2012 acquired Synchronica. Here, the investment in Versy have identified 11.8 million. The EBIT fell accordingly to -65.5 million (previous year 8.6 million) and the net result was a loss of 67.9 million according to yet a profit of 8.1 million in the previous year.

the cash position by the end of 2015 finally is reported at $ 37.8 million, from 23.1 million at the end of 2014.

the outlook for the current year precipitates behave. It is expected again to be well below the previous year sales. This will partially offset by the expected growth in the division’s Device Solution. In addition, significant investments in Versy be expected again.

In the board there is a mutation. David Nuescheler occurs at the General Meeting not to seek re-election. As a new member David Galbraith is proposed as a candidate.



eyevis display technology visualizes the news in one of the … – PresseBox (Press release)

         One of the greatest broadcasters of China relies on eyevis technology in its new, ultra-modern media center from where the message for millions of television viewers are broadcast.

eyevis DLP® rear projection cubes as the main character of the program

Two new video walls consisting of a total of 48 60-inch DLP rear projection cubes, type EC-60-LHD-1000, were in a 6 × 4 and 8 × 3 configuration in the new set design of the studio, the few

weeks goes on air, installed.

Both video walls for displaying background images, uses live circuits to outside correspondents, interviewees and additional information during the recordings and live broadcasts .

Equipped with an almost ridge-free design, which allows the construction of cubes with minimal webs between screens a video wall, the eyevis DLP cubes ideal for screens in television studios. Moreover Blackbead washers used offer a perfect balance of brightness and viewing angles from different camera positions and are free of disturbing reflections of other light sources in the studio thanks to its matte surface. The innovative cluster LED technology used in the projectors of the cubes allows accurate calibration of the color temperature of the display – an essential for displays in television studios necessary requirement. In addition, the cubes are extremely durable and reliable thanks to the reliable LED technology and the maintenance-free heat pipe cooling. To permanently ensure uniform representation of all modules of video walls, developed by eyevis Auto Colour tracking option has been installed, guaranteed by continuous measurement of various parameters of the individual cubes uniform setting and thus display of all cubes.

“we chose this project for eyevis because we have great confidence in the brand and the quality of products,” confirms Mr. Wang Ke, executive technical director at Jiangsu TV.

Jiangsu TV – an internationally renowned media companies

Jiangsu TV was founded in 2001 and is part of the Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation (JSBC), the third largest, and thus one of the most influential media companies in China. A whole range of JSBC addition to several television stations with 600 square meters include radio channels, different newspapers and magazines as well as a wide range of online products and services.

In the largest studio in the Media Center of Jiangsu TV was at the renovations paid to a balance of the five elements of fire, wood, metal, earth and water. This enshrined in traditional Chinese philosophy teaching is taken into account that all material things are formed on our planet from these five basic elements.
The reconstruction of the studio has been realized in a unique design that meets all requirements of the transmitter and also unscheduled events provides space.

project to increase program quality and viewership
the reconstruction of the main studio is part of a comprehensive strategy of the transmitter by a modern appearance of the device and the broadcast graphics to increase the quality of the produced formats and audience reach.

the design and planning of new studios, including the eyevis video walls come from the pen of the internationally renowned broadcast design offices ClickSpring from the US.

Rainer link, head of international sales at eyevis summarizes the prestigious project together: “In conventional TV studio we already see ourselves high demands on the technical equipment regarding image quality and reliability of the technology exposed. In studios for live productions these are again by several times higher. With the superb video quality of our LED cube we could meet all the required criteria of the transmitter. Thanks to the high life of the cubes and the used car Colour tracking technology, we can ensure this quality over a long period. We are proud that Jiangsu has chosen TV for eyevis what underlines our leading position in the production of video wall products that meet the requirements of the broadcast industry extensively again

https: //. Dl.


Technology: Apple proposes in dispute over iPhone decryption experts … – THE WORLD

In the dispute over the deciphering of the iPhone an assassin of San Bernardino Apple Group has submitted a compromise proposal. If the US government reversed make their legal action, Apple will participate in an expert panel for such decryption cases, the company wrote on Monday on its website. The judicial process would set a precedent that would expand the powers of the government.

Apple CEO Tim Cook also turned in a communication to the employees of the company , In it he wrote that Apple is not willing to ensure its phones and software scale down, which allowed only the user access. “This case goes far beyond a single telephone or a single investigation beyond”, he stressed. “The data security of hundreds of millions of law abiding people is at stake,” he warned. It should not “dangerous precedent” would be created by the civil liberties of all were threatened.

The FBI asks the Californian technology group, in decoding the mobile phone of the San Bernardino assassin Syed Farook to help. However, Apple rejects this inter alia on the grounds that the state had demanded that companies should incorporate “a backdoor for the iPhone” in order to gain access to data.

The US Justice Department said on the other hand, there would Apple not required to open a back door on each iPhone. The FBI stressed that there should be only one way to be created to approach quickly to a password in the event of an investigation. “We do not want to crack the encryption of all or introduce a master key,” said FBI Director James Comey. It is about “the victims and justice.”

The Islamist attack in San Bernardino, California in early December, a couple had shot 14 people before it by the police was killed in a shootout. Investigators has so far failed to overturn the lock of the iPhone by Syed Farook. The case resulted in the US to a new debate on encryption and security.

Apple threw investigators before they had the lock in question assassin phones themselves inflicted. While the phone was in the FBI, the Apple ID password has been changed. Then the phone was not able to be able to access iCloud service, in which documents, photos and other data of the assassin could be saved.

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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Kaiserslautern: Technology and Innovation Forum – SWR News

In Kaiserslautern meet in half an hour 160 entrepreneurs and scientists to talk about the digitization. It is all about how challenging brings the digital world to humans. The objective of the Technology and Innovation Forum, it is better to link research and industry together. The event is organized by the Technical University and the Chamber of Commerce Pfalz. These informed, through the forum many collaborations between companies in the region and TU had already arisen.


10,000 times more economical: New wireless technology – PC World

with a technique called Passive Wi-Fi to the sugar shaker and the paper towel placed on the Internet.

WLAN connections need compared to Bluetooth is currently significantly more energy. This can be especially in mobile devices cause problems. Scientists at the University of Washington have developed a new method called “Passive Wi-Fi” developed which significantly decreases the power consumption in wireless transmissions.

In comparison to established alternatives such as Bluetooth Low Energy or Zigbee, the new technology for exchanging data 1000 times less energy compared with current wireless devices required can be even save 10,000 times as much electricity. Given Passive Wi-Fi is a separation of analog and digital signal transmission. The charge of the digital data exchange components require only a fraction of the energy of their analog counterparts, who are responsible for sending the data via antenna.

Researchers have therefore outsourced the transmitting unit. It draws its power from a wall outlet. however, the mobile device has only passive wireless sensors that do not require much power. Nevertheless, they can receive waves and reflect specifically. This results in WLAN packets, which can be up to 11 megabits transmitted per second.

within the university campus, the technology could be successfully tested. Passive WLAN is particularly suitable for the networked home. By power-saving components even the sugar shaker or the role of household towels could communicate with other devices. The low power consumption of 15-60 microwatts would allow the use in articles of clothing or other gadgets.

Complete the projects financed by the National Science Foundation and Qualcomm study results will be presented next month at the USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation.


Galaxy S7 / Edge: Dual-pixel technology will greatly improve camera – PC Games Hardware

Only 12 instead of 18 megapixels or more, the Samsung Galaxy S7 / Edge. This is rather unusually in times when the Megapxiel numbers grow normally. Samsung promises but can still improve camera. The main reason is the use of dual-pixel technology.

It was somewhat surprising, as Samsung, the megapixel count of called main camera for the Samsung Galaxy S7. The built-in sensor offers only 12 megapixels and thus 4 megapixel less than the predecessor. This is rather unusual in times of megapixel madness. Samsung verspicht but that one sensor performance – has improved – especially in dark conditions. First test shots at the MWC 2016 can confirm that as well.


But what exactly does Samsung? The explain the Koreans now in some detail. In Samsung Galaxy S7 is a so-called dual-pixel sensor for use, the Google already used in the Nexus models. The reduction of the number of pixels for the same area also means larger individual pixels of 1.4 microns and thus 56 percent more than the Galaxy S6. Larger pixels like once sound bad, but that in practice means less noise in low light conditions. In addition helps improved to f / 1.7 aperture.

All in all permits, according to Samsung, 95 percent more light sensitivity of the sensor. The focus is to improve characterized because all the pixels for the phase detection autofocus instead of just a few such as the classic sensor. Om compared to Galaxy S6, an increase of 99 percent.

In addition, the camera of the Galaxy S7 donated Samsung some adjusted operating via software. Among a panorama function and a hyperlapse recording. A digital image stabilizer is also video and time-lapse photography smooth ironing.

Also on the front, Samsung has come up with a few tricks. The camera is primarily designed for selfies and video calling. In dark conditions, you can use the display as a light source. The larger a regular flash surface to emit a diffuse light which makes the face in the picture softer.

Samsung Galaxy S7 / Edge: presentation video to the new model

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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

New study determined necessary expansion of power to gas technology … –

Hamburg (ots) – have numerous wind gas electrolysers connected to the grid, to ensure a reliable power supply at high levels of renewable energy already in the next few years. According to a new study of the independent analysis institute Energy Brainpool commissioned by Greenpeace Energy needed by 2040 at least 14 gigawatts of installations. Wind gas electrolysers convert excess green electricity in renewable gas and make wind and solar power as in large amounts over long periods in the existing gas network can be stored. The current study is the first time a sound expansion path for even “power to gas” called Wind gas technology. “We must as soon as possible the course for a well-planned expansion of wind gas electrolysers to really create the energy transition and the CO2 targets for Germany too,” says Marcel Keiffenheim, Director Policy and Communications at the eco-energy provider Greenpeace Energy.

According to calculations of the Hamburg energy cooperative based on the new study should be installed from 2020 annually 100 megawatts (MW). The pace of expansion needed to 500 MW and 2030 rise annually from 2025 to 1000 MW in order to provide the necessary 2040 14 gigawatt can. “The technology is ready for the entry into production, with the falling asset prices quickly,” says Keiffenheim.

According to Energy Brainpool Wind gas is later than 2035 with then 74 percent renewables in the electricity sector system necessary. This means: Without electrolysers located could even with maximum use of other flexibility options like load shifting, battery or pumped storage not guarantee secure power supply. By 2050, 100 percent green energy, according to the analysis of 89 gigawatts needed to electrolyzers, in order to store the then resulting surplus electricity primarily from wind and sun as renewable gas. This also phase of up to three months with little wind and sun can be bridged by this energy is zurückverstromt flexible gas power plants again.

The investigation of Energy Brainpool also shows that a full supply of renewable energies in the interplay with wind gas and other flexibility options is significantly less expensive than the currently envisaged by the government version, according to which 20 percent of fossil fuel power plants to compensate for the fluctuations in wind and solar power: “the combination of short- and long-term flexibility options can be in we studied scenario 2050 save up to 17.6 billion euros per year. at the same time the share of renewables in the electricity system of 86 increases to 100 percent, “says study leader Thorsten Lenck.

According to a study commissioned by the environmental group Greenpeace on Tuesday of yesterday must Germany reach 100 percent renewable in the electricity sector even before the year 2030th Only in this way can contribute to the objective at the World Climate Summit in Paris aim to limit the increase of global warming as possible to 1.5 degrees Celsius instead of the previous maximum of 2 degrees. Correspondingly, also the wind-gas expansion would be accelerated. The technology is not only in the electricity sector is of central importance, power to gas is essential also for mobility, thermal industry, because even there the CO2 emissions must fall sharply to achieve the climate goals.

In the legal framework, however, wind gas is still not yet sufficiently anchored. Greenpeace Energy therefore calls on the federal government fair opportunities for the technology. So should electrolyzers running with ungefördertem wind power, in return must pay EEG apportionment. Moreover electrolysers could keep the power grid to renewable base stable. However, the market rules disabled hitherto non-discriminatory access. “These necessary improvements for a supply secure renewable electricity system it is not about subsidies,” says Marcel Keiffenheim Greenpeace Energy: “Rather We demand the dismantling absurd barriers that previously block the success of an important future technology.”

background information: the energy cooperative Greenpeace energy was founded by Greenpeace Germany in 1999 and still works on the ecological requirements of the environmental organization. Greenpeace Energy well supplied 111,000 customers with green electricity and more than 11,000 customers with the gas product proWindgas. The 100-percent subsidiary Planet Energy has built ten wind farms and three photovoltaic plants and is involved in three wind farms, the total capacity of all power plants is 78 megawatts. As a cooperative Greenpeace Energy is in sole possession of his 23,000 cooperative members and works not profit maximizing principle of

OTS. Greenpeace Energy eG newsroom: newsroom via RSS: http : //

Contact: Michael Friedrich policy and communications Greenpeace Energy eG Telephone 040 / 808110-655 www.greenpeace

Note to editors: The new study by Energy Brainpool for “minimal need for long-term flexibilities in power system by 2050″ can be found as well as two wind gas studies from August 2015 (short and long version) to download under


Technology experts: Indian Startups could soon conquer the world – ABC Online

Indian startups could, according to technology experts from international companies quickly gain other markets.

“I’ve seen in my life hundreds startups, and the people here are working on great ideas “, said about Marcus Segal from the game company Zynga. He learned on Wednesday expiring technology conference “surge” in Bangalore for about a platform that doctors connects.

The competition for the best presentation at “surge” gained a young company, manufactures cheap wheelchairs and other aids for the disabled. These are for people in emerging countries like India often either unavailable or not affordable. Pete Lau, head of the Chinese smartphone manufacturer OnePlus, sees many parallels between the Indian and the Chinese market a few years ago.

Currently, there are after Indian government figures, about 4200 young technology companies in the subcontinent, so is India after the US and Britain now ranks third. “In Bangalore, some of the most brilliant people work,” said Ajay Bhatt, chief technologist from chip maker Intel and inventor of the USB stick. He often come to act as a mentor.


Technology and financial services: Wirecard stock breaks after Zatarra … – Finanzen100

Today 11:56 Finanzen100

 Wirecard denied the allegations by Zatarra and takes legal action.
Wirecard denied the allegations by Zatarra and takes legal action. (© / alex Saberi)

After critical review of Zatarra Investigations and Research, the share of technology and financial services company Wirecard fell by 15 percent.

Wirecard shares are under massive pressure on Wednesday after a dubious and the company now denied report. The paper broke with record sales in the peak by nearly a quarter to 32 euros – this was the lowest rate since November 2014. The market value fell so in the peak around 1.3 billion euros. Experts spoke of rampant speculation and a renewed “Short-attack”, is earned in the money with falling prices. Wirecard is according to traders because of the business model and the rapid price rise in recent years, vulnerable to attacks of this type.

After a denial of the Group the price recovered somewhat. In addition, corporate chef Markus Braun bought more shares of Wirecard worth 4.3 million euro during today’s turmoil. On the early afternoon but was still a drop of 11.72 percent to 37.63 euros on the price list. Until the early afternoon almost 5.5 million papers are on Xetra been traded – as much as several years no longer. On the whole previous day, only 617,069 papers had been traded.

Since the paper with a market capitalization of around 4.7 billion one of the heavyweights in TecDAX is, it was also for the technology selection index down hard.

Wirecard takes steps

This was happened in the morning: The previously unknown Research service Zatarra whose website was registered on 17 February a few days ago, had raised serious allegations against Wirecard. The “Financial Times” had taken in her Internet blog FTAlphaville the Zatarra report. The attention to the market soared and the stock broke on heavy volume a.

The Payment Processor fought shortly thereafter against the new allegations to its business practices. Accusations against Wirecard and his colleagues in the round gereichten paper were defamatory and completely untrue, the company said. Take legal action against the “dubious” Author had initiated. “We assume that the disclosure of the report would adversely affect our stock price,” said a spokeswoman.

Classical attack by short sellers

” Wirecard is once again the victim of rampant speculation, “said merchant Andreas Lipkow from asset managers Kliegel & amp; Hafner. Investors had a deja vu of a few years ago when the stock also was the focus of professional short sellers.

Another expert who asked not to be known, drew attention to the market reoccurring reports of various houses that deal in individual, non-regular studies with Wirecard. After the declaration of the company to the current report, he saw no reason to doubt Wirecard. Mostly would be taken very old allegations. These would have to credit card companies, the customers of payment systems provider are to be known. but they preferred no consequences.

“A classic,” said a broker. Wirecard was in the past has often such Attacks of investors, which is a mood damper to Good. Short sellers borrow from other dealers papers to sell them and later when buying again. Last dealers in early February had spoken of such a “Short-attack”, as if made reports on a system failure for uncertainty

Despite SDK & amp. Co 1500 percent plus since the beginning of 2006

The most spectacular attack against Wirecard 2008 were studies of protection of Shareholders (SdK) on alleged misleading accounting methods in the summer. Wirecard had this on a special report by Ernst & amp; Young invalidated. In addition, it was revealed that some SdK members had bet on falling Wirecard courses. Two years later, made a false report of an Internet portal for heavy losses.

In the long term have the reoccurring attacks, rumors and speculation the rise of company in the stock market is not harmed. In the past decade, the share price despite recent losses 1,500 percent.

dpa / bey


Wily contracts: Block chain technology inspires the developer fantasies –

end 2008, a person under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto a concept for a new currency. Bitcoin is based on the principle of a distributed network in accounting: the block chain. Soon, however, you could tell that this infrastructure can not only be used for a currency. Theoretically, also the transfer of any other goods will be documented, for example, a certain amount of euros, bonus points or even a car.

Block Chain

 block chain said> Simplified, the term block chain is a public digital register. The special feature: it is not by a central authority – to chat, but of the group of all participants – about an office. The participants have copies of entries, which are like a chain connected to each other.

When a user, for example, a certain amount of money from, this change has to be checked and confirmed by other participants. This happens in the background by the software. If everything is OK, the new data are permanently stored and disseminated. Manipulation by individuals are significantly more difficult in the model. These and other features have attracted interest for different applications. (Graphic: Theymos / Bitcoin Wiki)

In such transactions, Bitcoin becomes a kind of transportation currency. A small fraction of a digital money unit is pushed over the block chain from user A to user B. The metadata of this transaction will be noted that the same as a car has to change hands.

With the data on the transaction not only such information may be connected, but also program code. So if-then conditions can be formulated. “Smart Contracts” is the technical term. As “smart” are the digital contracts, because of the embedded code monitors whether certain terms of a contract are met and automatically perform certain actions are triggered.

The idea has been around longer and is in a very simple form, for example, behind copy protection mechanisms: When an unauthorized device playback of a movie is denied. With the model of the block chain many new applications now come into consideration.

Off “smart” locks in the apartment, product deliveries or music recovery

Some companies work already on concrete usage scenarios. Sometimes they are based on the public block chain, partly on its own variants with delimited group of users. The Swiss Foundation Ethereum has established its own block Chain version and developed a transport currency, which they called ether. This infrastructure is once again to use companies for applications with “Smart Contracts”.

One of the first users in Germany is The company, headquartered in Saxon Mittweida wants to establish a new form of contracts for the sharing economy. Possessions as bicycle, car or apartment, which can be locked via a “smart” lock, can be rented via block chain. The owner sets a deposit and rent. If the user has paid, he can open on his smartphone Castle. Receipt, use authorization and repayment of the deposit should also be handled over.

Also, US companies working on such scenarios and has designed several block chain contract types. For example, supply: the path of a product in the supply chain is monitored by GPS. The money, if the delivery at the destination location is. Even with the search engine optimization of the Treaties will help: The customer pays once an agreed position in the Google hit list is reached. Or the house sale: It is automatically adjusted when the sale in the public land register is confirmed

For the exploitation of copyright, there are also “Smart Contract” scenarios.. In the block chain could for example be the public record of who has what rights to a song and how the proceeds are distributed. After downloading a song, the amount is automatically paid out to participating artists or copyright holders. Companies such as peer tracks and Ujo are already working on such models for the music industry. The British singer Imogen Heap is one of the early users

Hoeren:. Feasible for some contracts, for others to play

The projects however are mostly still in very early stages of development. The idea of ​​Smart Contracts is therefore mainly one thing: the future. Since early January researching Thomas Hoeren, Internet law professor at the University of Münster, with a small team to legal implications of the block chain

He said:. How practical the idea of ​​block chain contracts is actually let himself only reputable judge if the technology is actually used in everyday life. Hoeren can imagine that such contract processing can work in certain areas, however. For this he distinguishes between different types of contract.

In the first case state basic documents involved in the transactions in question, such as the land register, the commercial register or identity papers. Here Hoeren sees little chance for block chain process: “This is only possible if the government says we do in the block chain with”.

There are contracts in which between the parties, a third party occurs, the trust both. They require legally a certain form, but modified to quite do also distributed digitally could: “All operations in which a trusted third party is between a transaction, could be handled also by block chain through the crowd.” This concerns, for example, notarial purchase contracts.

Third, there are contracts that are also more informally, such as when a car sold or an apartment is rented. This lent themselves well to block chain process. . If at least a simple written form is prescribed, could be described as the digital equivalent introduce a block chain logging so Hoeren

Additional Questions: Security and legitimacy

cause for concern Hoeren but the issue of security in “smart” contracts. Although applies the block chain so far as forgery and tamper resistant, but is IT security just always a dynamic component. Therefore put lawyers in doubt most of the written form and a central authority. Because if the land register of a state does not work, another was no longer working well much

And for Hoeren arises when the bypass central authority also democracy. Question: “State authority is democratically legitimized. If formerly state processes are shifted to the block chain, they would be delegated to a group without any democratic legitimacy. “We must also discuss whether this could possibly lead to anti-democratic developments.


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Huawei and German Telekom lead 5G E2E Network slicing technology before –

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