After the warnings by visitors to the online portal Redtube should soon get the lawyer masse more users of streaming services post. “Redtube was more of a test balloon. We have already determined in other portals, so I expect to write the users of the other portals in the coming months world, “attorney Thomas Urmann from the law firm U + C told the newspaper” Sunday “.
Urmann relies on streaming as a new field, since the warning of filesharing users no longer worthwhile. The users have become more cautious, he said: “file-sharing cases, you can not operate below cost – to the Peer2Peer networks no one is on the way, there are not enough cases together.”
Urmann expected that the question of the legality of streaming warnings can be fully understood only in a few years: “When the Oberlandesgericht Munich, Cologne and Frankfurt arrive at different interpretations of the law, then the issue is finally in five to eight years, the BGH . decided “Urmann defended the decision of the Cologne District Court, to give the request for information in the Steamingfällen instead:” Downloading into memory when streaming is already a reproduction within the meaning of the copyright law. The District Court of Cologne is fully portrayed in my opinion, wrongly as clueless. “
determine exactly the lawyers, the IP addresses of users streaming technical, but also the Cologne judges do not know Urmann said: “The report does not explain in the last technical detail how the IP addresses of users have been identified. That is a trade secret of the company investigation. “
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