Saturday, December 21, 2013

Robespierre suffered little knots in all organs - THE WORLD


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Robespierre suffered from small nodes in all organs The revolutionary Maximilien Robespierre de

suffered from numerous disease symptoms. Researchers now believe that he was affected by sarcoidosis, which causes small nodules in the organs.

The revolutionary Maximilien Robespierre suffered from numerous disease symptoms. Researchers now believe that he was affected by sarcoidosis, which causes small nodules in the organs. From

“Rarely is a man disfigured by hatred as Maximilien Robespierre. This hatred has stamped the Cabinet politicians to demagogue, the man of moderation to the bloodthirsty beast, the agile parliamentarians dictator, the uncompromising God faithful to despisers of religion, “wrote the French historian François Furet in his book” The French Revolution “.

But maybe it was not only the hatred which disfigured the face of the 1794 executed revolutionary Robespierre. Scientists at the University of Versailles are convinced that Maximilien de Robespierre has suffered from a rare immune disease.

In the British journal “The Lancet” write the forensic scientist Philippe Charlier and Philippe Froesch that what was involved probably traded to the disease sarcoidosis.

Small node in the organs

the two researchers evaluated the death mask of Robespierre as well as historical documents to his medical history. A whole series of symptoms such as nosebleeds, blurred vision, jaundice, persistent fatigue and recurrent leg ulcers have been described by eyewitnesses.

Moreover Robespierre suffered under a constant twitching of the eyes and mouth. In his last four years of life, the symptoms should have occurred reinforced.

Sarcoidosis rarely occurring is an inflammatory disease, can occur in virtually all organs of small nodes (granulomas). The lungs and the lymph nodes, however, are most often affected.

dysregulation of the immune system

to a diagnosis of the symptoms so multifaceted disease was not thinking at times Robespieres. It was only in 1877, the rare disease was first described scientifically – by the British physician Sir Jonathan Hutchinson


Even today, the diagnosis of sarcoidosis, which is also known as sarcoidosis or granulomatosis, a major challenge.

It is clear that the cause of the typical nodule formation is a dysregulation of the immune system.

But how it comes to this dysregulation is not yet understood in detail. It could be hereditary factors play a role, but also environmental influences.

women are affected more often

The disease usually develops between the 20th and 40th Years. Women are affected slightly more often than men. Acute sarcoidosis can disappear without any treatment again by itself.

The chronic form of sarcoidosis is nowadays treated with corticosteroids. Only five percent of these patients die as a result of the disease.

Even Robespierre would have had a good chance to be even older than 36 years old – were it not for the sharp knife of the guillotine was


Alexander the Great, head / Hellenistic -

world history

revolutionaries are young

Photo: AP So shall according to the evaluations of Philippe Froesch the revolutionary Robespierre have looked when he took his way to the guillotine

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