delayed updates for smartphones and tablets with Android usually contact the manufacturer in the criticism. When the next version of Android or even not at all comes only months after that but by no means always, just him. Especially the provider, but also the chip manufacturers provide hurdles for speedy updates dar. What steps it takes to delivery of a new version to the customer, HTC has broken down in a blog entry.
What is necessary for an Android update, HTC displays with a stylish infographic.
image: HTC
In an infographic, the manufacturer, through its HTC One through the process. It differs significantly among the three versions for mobile service providers, free trade and the Google Play Edition with Android largely unchanged. The latter requires the fewest steps to update. One such issue is not only available for the HTC one, but some also for Samsung Galaxy S4 and recently the Xperia Z1 Sony. That the waiver of vendor-side customizations updates accelerates, it has been shown in recent months: Shortly after the Nexus devices, Google received the Play-Editions, the current Android version 4.4
own interface still does not have to lead to long delays: HTC has only half a month more used to update the developer edition and not bound to a provider version of the one in the U.S. on Android 4.4 Cumbersome provider
biggest obstacle are the HTC One, however, the provider, because the update for branded devices requires three additional steps: First, the manufacturer must clarify with the provider, which customizations and software offerings he wants. Before the update is approved by the authorities and Google, the provider must check it one more time. If problems occur, the manufacturer shall make test his rework again.
The HTC one has Android 4.4 get – but only if it is not tied to a provider.
image: HTC What effect it has, you can reference the HTC One comprehend : While the Google Play Edition already mid-November the update received on Android 4.4, the bound to a provider equipment end of January should be supplied at the earliest. The vast majority of smartphones will be sold in Germany of the providers also supply their own software offerings. With branded devices, the sequence is this country so similar.
An update may fail due to the hardware, because chip manufacturers like Qualcomm must for the drivers of their SoCs (System on Chip) upgrade. This was for example the One S undoing in the HTC partially started an older processor due to supply shortages. The update promises drew HTC for this model several months later.
large range of hardware among Android devices requires for most models this process. Moreover, apart from the flagship, so much patience is still in demand. The problem is the producers were conscious, has changed it but so far nothing. Owners of older and cheaper devices must therefore often waive updates. (asp)
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