Thursday, October 8, 2015

Six technology trends that will shape 2016 – W & V – Advertise & Sell

David Cearley, Gartner vice president, explained & # XE4; rt the Technology Trends 2016.
David Cearley, Gartner vice president, explains the technology trends in 2016. © Photo: Gartner

As we continue with the digitization? The research and consulting company Gartner has identified the most important technology trends 2016th They “are the Digital Business influence this by 2020″, is David Cearley, Gartner vice president, convinced

And that’s the point.

. 1 The Device Mesh

“In the post-mobile world, the focus is on the mobile users, which is surrounded by a network of devices that go far beyond traditional mobile devices beyond,” said Cearley , The device network encompasses mobile devices, wearables, consumer and home electronics, vehicle devices and equipment in the environment – such as sensors in the Internet of Things (IoT). Gartner expects a stronger linkage of models and greater cooperation between new appliances.

2. Ambient User Experience

The Ambient User Experience preserves continuity beyond network devices, time and space. No matter where the user is and what devices and channels mix, the user experience “flow” on. Designing mobile apps remain continue to be important, so Cearley. But the focus will continue on to create a limitless user experience that spans several devices and objects, including Internet of Things-sensors or even automobiles.

. 3 3D Printing Materials

More and more materials, including as glass or electronics can be edited with the 3D-printing technique. These advances make a rethink of production lines and the supply chain need to apply 3D printing meaningful way.

. 4 Information of Everything

All the digital network generates information. Data beyond text, audio and video information and imposing keep sensory and contextual information. New, semantic tools such as graphic databases and other data classifications and information analysis techniques bring tourism in the information chaos.

. 5 Advanced Machine Learning

So-called “Deep Neural Nets (DNN)” created systems beyond classic information management, learning automatic and independent way to capture the world. Dnns allow machines that are based on hardware and software, to learn all aspects of their environment. This area rapidly evolving and companies must here consider how they can use these technologies to gain a competitive edge.

. 6 Autonomous Agents and Things

Virtual personal assistants (VPA) as Google Now or Apple Siri are the forerunners of so-called “autonomous agents”. In the future, an independent agent will be the main interface to the users. Instead of menus and buttons to act on the smartphone, the user will be speaking with an app, an intelligent agent. “IT organizations should consider how they can ‘autonomous things and agents’ used to enhance human activity and to free people from work that only humans can,” said Cearley.

For more details and Trends here at Gartner.

Six technology trends that will shape 2016

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