Friday, October 23, 2015

Qualification Initiative for Innovation and Technology – Laboratory Practice

With a kick-off meeting in Luebeck Fraunhofer Research Institution for Marine Biotechnology (EMB) launched in early October, the project Qualification Initiative for Innovation and Technology – in short “Qualifit”

Lübeck. , Kiel – In the next two years a tailor training programs for the employees in Life Science Nord cluster to be developed in Schleswig-Holstein. The project Qualifit is encouraged to work with the European Social Fund of well 490 000 euros from the Schleswig-Holstein state program.

The aim is to provide with Qualifit an offer, specifically the special requirements of innovative Life has science industry in focus. To this end, experts from different fields work closely together: the main project partners Life Science Nord Management, the Institute for Learning services Fachhochschule Lübeck, the Oncampus GmbH and the Fraunhofer Institution for Marine Biotechnology (EMB). “The theme of professionals and their continuous training we encounter in Cluster Life Science Nord regularly. So we’re very particular about the commitment to carry out the project Qualifit and develop individual needs of industry tailored offerings, “says Dr. Hinrich Habeck, Managing Director of Life Science Nord GmbH.

planned two phases of the project

The scheduled two-year project includes an 18-month development and a six-month implementation phase. In the first phase of development the industry Topics are identified with qualification requirements. On the basis of which a qualification program is being developed that may include both online modules and blended learning. Through a detailed market analysis and dialogue with companies this offer is more concrete. In the subsequent 6-month period of the learning units with the support of companies in the Life Science Cluster will be tested and evaluated in order from it to build the foundation for a sustainable and industry-specific training program.

The work focuses on soft skills with modules such as communication, project / quality management and Entrepreneurship, as well as the field of innovation broken down by technological innovations and innovativeness of enterprises. In addition, the local company access to a key technology of the life sciences in cell technology.

focus on sustainability and SMEs

A special focus for the project partners on making the project sustainable. “We want to be able to operate these deals over the project term to permanently cover the existing and emerging training needs of this innovative industry,” says Prof. Rolf Granow, Managing Director of e-learning specialists oncampus GmbH, a subsidiary of Fachhochschule Lübeck. The majority of the players in the region are small businesses that do not have internal training facilities or key employees can not indemnify for longer times. “The preparation of specialized content to online modules has the advantage that the learners they complete in parallel with work online and flexibly,” says Prof. Granow further.

Project Management

The country program work is the labor market program of the Schleswig-Holstein state government for the years 2014-2020. Focuses on the backup and recovery of professionals, assisting with the integration of people who find it particularly difficult to get into the job market in the primary labor market and promoting the potential of young people. The country program work has a volume of about 240 million euros, of which originate almost 89 million euros from the European Social Fund (ESF).


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