Monday, December 2, 2013

Technology instead of Employees: Amazon delivers packages soon with mini drones from - ABC Online

thing is clear: The stork brings the baby. And soon the drone will transfer the packages. Amazon is currently testing the delivery service from the air – in order to save personnel and reduce costs. A video shows how bizarre comes the drone delivery.

package delivery Amazon is working on its own aircraft, unveiled founder Jeff Bezos in a U.S. television interview to the “CBS” on Sunday. The idea is that the “Octocopter” ordered goods to bring buyers within 30 minutes. Bezos curtailed that more testing and approvals of the aviation authority FAA were needed. However, he expects to offer the extra option in four to five years. A name for the service he has already: “Prime Air”


The service, which the company wants to cut costs, parcel deliveries by humans should be reserved for small and particularly urgent orders from a short distance: The eight-engine drones could transport goods weighing up to 2.5 pounds per Delivery about 16 kilometers place, Bezos said.

The team of the interview program “60 Minutes” with the well-known TV journalist Charlie Rose was able to film prototypes of the drones on Amazon. The Group demonstrates the plan in a video in which one of the aircraft picks up an order directly from the band of a logistics center and thus ends up in front of a house. However, the FAA is working yet it to work out rules for the possible deployment of unmanned drones in U.S. airspace.

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