Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Men and women are different wired - Spiegel Online

Washington – the actual differences in the thinking of men and women has been written and much research. While some experts believe that many of these differences for the result of cultural influences, others believe it to be explained by the anatomy of male and female brains. Men, we are told about, can better implement their perceptions in coordinated actions to better connect women, however, analytical and intuitive information with each other thanks to their brain architecture.

now published study looked at more closely, how different are the brains of men and women are wired. While it especially many contacts between the two halves of the brain give in women existed in men more links within the cerebral hemispheres, report U.S. researchers in the journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences”.

The scientists Madhura Ingalhalikar of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, the compounds were investigated within the brain using a procedure that diffusion tensor imaging is called. It can be drawn about the movements of water molecules conclusions about the course of the nerve fibers. They applied the method to 949 in children, adolescents and young adults 8-22 years. For the analysis, the researchers divided the brain into 95 subregions.

Different strengths

The investigation has shown that male brains are obviously optimized for communication within the cerebral hemispheres. So, for example, possess individual sub-areas of the brain many links with their immediate adjacent areas. There is thus more local connections with short range.

Women, in contrast, the researchers found a greater number of longer nerve connections especially between the two halves of the brain. Only in the cerebellum it was the other way around: There there among men many links between, in women but within the two hemispheres. The differences between the sexes increased over the course of longevity, the investigation showed further.


That men and women their brains differently, researchers have found, among others, in the evaluation of paintings by volunteers. Women used both hemispheres of the brain for assessment, men only.

In a previous behavioral study with more subjects, the researchers had found that women are better words and faces notice, are more attentive and better social cognition than men. The latter, in turn, could process spatial information better and cut in the coordination of movement better. The observed differences in brain link coincided with these behaviors, the researchers write.


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