More than two million passwords stolen, among other things from Facebook, Google and Yahoo, have been published, according to a media report on a Russian-language website. As the “BBC” reported online, go a security expert believes that a criminal organization is uploaded the sensitive data. The hackers were probably reached by means of a key-logger to the passwords. These programs save the keystrokes of a user.
employees of Internet security firm Trustwave were pushed to the side with the passwords and had this posted on her blog. Employees assume that the passwords were collected by means of a large boat net width. This’ve collected information from thousands of infected computers, the “BBC”.
3952 passwords from Germany published
In her blog, the Trustwave employees give more accurate info: To be, among other things been stolen passwords of about 1,580,000 web pages, 320,000 e-mail accounts and 3,000 remote desktop connections. The blogger break this still further. For example, originate 318 121 passwords of Facebook users, 21 708 of 59 549 of Twitter and Yahoo. Especially in Germany had been tapped 3952 passwords.
“We do not know how many of these passwords still work,” citing the “BBC” the security expert Graham Cluley. What is problematic, however, that 30-40 percent of users use the same password on different pages. Clear is also the fact that many people worry about the strength of their passwords. Thus, the most commonly used password is the series of numbers 123456, report the Trustwave employees. “Such combinations make predictable passwords completely ineffective,” said security expert with respect to the “BBC”.
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