Saturday, December 7, 2013

Analysis of eBay auctions: PlayStation 4 has the edge - 4Players Portal

The market research company Terapeak all took place in the U.S. eBay auctions around the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 has analyzed and evaluated – with own tools and not based on official figures from eBay. The result:. The PlayStation 4 has the edge

general, the PlayStation 4 has been frequently sold on eBay: 21,309 (PS4) vs. 11,992 (Xbox One). The calculated average price seems to emphasize the stronger interest in the Sony console. This price was the PlayStation 4 at $ 589.16, that is almost $ 190 more than the “normal” price ($ 399). In the Xbox One, the average selling price was about $ 160 on the regular price. From these values, the market researchers infer that the unmet demand was probably higher for the PlayStation 4.

(source:.. Terapeak The relevant investigation period was seven days after the U.S. release of the console)

“Sony PS4 consoles are selling at a ten percent discount relative to xBox One consoles. This discount is smaller than Actually the $ 100 retail price gap in between the two, Which june mean did the PS4 is seeing more unmet demand across the market. There were 78 percent more first-week PS4 unit sales than first-week xBox One sales. While the Xbox One narrowly Took The dollar volume crown on launch day, the PS4 has come roaring back since then to overtake the Xbox One in Both metrics. “

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