Friday, October 4, 2013

This is the face of Apple's Siri voice - THE WORLD


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Susan Bennett is the face behind Apple's Siri voice

This is the face of Apple’s Siri voice

Every iPhone user knows her voice. The face that had long been a mystery. Now, a spokeswoman outed as Siri voice. But future iPhones do without them.

Every iPhone user knows her voice. The face that had long been a mystery. Now, a spokeswoman outed as Siri voice. But future iPhones coming out without them.


millions of U.S. iPhone users is the familiar sound of her utterances as that of a good friend, The voice of Apple’s Siri personal assistant. But the real face behind the voice was female in the U.S. to date, a closely guarded secret. Requests the identity of the speaker read the iPhone Group regularly unanswered.

Exactly two years after the introduction of Siri in the announcement of the iPhone 4S on 4 October 2011 is now the face of Siri’s voice to the public. Compared to CNN, the spokeswoman Susan Bennett of Atlanta has indicated as the voice of Siri. Previously, already the British and Australian Siri voices had outed.

A misleading for Bennett article on the technology side of the network “The Verge” was for going to the public the trigger. In addition, the spokesperson had initially had concerns. Bennett is already several decades mainly active as a spokeswoman in the advertising industry. But others, such as GPS devices or telephone systems, it has already lent her voice.

Siri recordings were made in 2005

Bennett had eingesprochen the Siri voice already in July 2005, according to his own statements. To protect the voice was made throughout the month just about every day for four hours voice recording.

In many meaningless phrases and single words were eingesprochen – a spokeswoman for the often grueling and tedious procedure. Bennett sees this as a reason that Siri occasionally sounds slightly strained or irritated.

The recording was carried out by ScanSoft, which was aware of the Bennett about the agency GM Voices. ScanSoft went a few months after the Siri-shots in the company of Nuance Communications – a company that Apple should have provided the technology for Siri available


audio specialist confirms Siri spokeswoman

From their use six years later on the iPhone 4S knew Bennett in the recording anything yet. They only learned about it after a colleague in 2011 recognized her voice on an Apple smartphone again. Since they themselves took no iPhone convinced them on the Apple website it.

Opposite CNN did not confirm Bennett as Siri, Apple spokeswoman. An audio specialist engaged by CNN, however, has proved that this is clearly the voice of Siri in the speaker.

Times by Susan Bennett as the voice of Siri, however, appear to be numbered. Apple’s new mobile operating system iOS 7 is already equipped with other speakers. There remains the question: Who is the German Siri voice? This has clearly not yet been found.

Apple's voice assistant Siri makes it unmistakably clear that it has nothing to do with the Google data glasses.

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