Apple’s new generation iPad has not donated so many new features as we had hoped. But the judgment of the technology websites are clear:. Perfected the slimmer and faster iPhone Air, which Apple’s tablet has previously made it so successful
“It’s the iPad, which is so light that it needs a new name,” the technology website “Engadget” writes about the new iPad Air That “At first glance, the Air does not have much new.” the device is thinner, is not apparent at first. The lower weight, however, make itself felt. “Of course, sees iOS 7 on the gorgeous Retina display,” writes “Engadget” on. “It is particularly remarkable as now afloat thanks to the A7 chips is all. The higher speed is noticeable when launching apps like iMovie. “
A full screen internet
“The Verge” the new tablet called “really nice, with a smoother frame and a much thinner profile.” “More than ever, the iPad Air feels just as you would a screen full internet in your hand,” says the tech side. It feels to fast, but differed little from it also driven by an A7 chip iPhone 5S. “There is no doubt that the iPad Air will be more mobile and more powerful than all previous iPads this size.”
“It’s one of those moments where a real ‘wow factor makes’ noticeable when this the fifth-generation device in hand holds “writes” Slashgear “. The thinner frame change considerably, as the tablet is in the hands. “We will probably use the iPad Air for longer periods after the weight has been reduced by one third compared to the old model,” said “Slashgear”. Lot of customers who have switched to the smaller mini iPad because of size and weight, could now go back to the iPad Air.
“Quick, a lot of fun and beautiful,” called “Mashable” iPad Air “The new Tablet is the perfect solution for users who want the low weight of the iPad mini, but do not want to give up a big screen. “
Where is Apple’s ingenuity?
“Cnet” welcomes the changes, but they were not as numerous as hoped. “We even think Apple has missed many opportunities to impress us,” writes the technology website. “At least it was a chance to regain his inventiveness for Apple and us to present something really new, rather than a perfected version of what we already had.” However, the feeling of lighter and thinner tablet is impressive. “The iPad is the iPhone 5S Air iPads under the” judges “Cnet”. “Refined, streamlined and improved.”
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