Thursday, October 24, 2013

Hope for Pain: Scorpion stings make mice immune to ... - ABC Online

The usually painful sting of a scorpion grasshopper mouse leaves the cold – the venom of the scorpion makes them insensitive to pain. This allows them to attack and eat the scorpion.

A scorpion venom makes grasshopper mice insensitive to pain. This allows the mouse to attack and eat scorpions, even if they are like razor several times. This unique mechanism describes a U.S. research group in the journal “Science”.

The team led by Ashlee Rowe of the University of Texas and Yucheng Xiao from Indiana University examined how the stitches of a home, especially in North and Central America scorpion genus (Centruroides spp.) affect grasshopper mice and house mice. They found: In house mice that triggers pain from scorpion venom. In the grasshopper mice, however, the toxin leads to a blockage of pain signals. This makes the mice temporarily largely insensitive to pain and allows them so to attack the scorpion.

important for the development of analgesics

Rowe and her colleagues studied two common pain receptors in mammals with the name of Nav1.7 and Nav1.8 and so were the underlying mechanism. In the house mouse activates the scorpion venom Nav1.7. In the mouse, however, the toxin grasshopper reacts with certain amino acids of the other receptor, Nav1.8, which then block the transmission of pain signals. Thus, the grasshopper mouse is not only insensitive to the scorpion venom, but

against any kind of pain. In an accompanying comment has Gary Lewin of the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin then, the importance of these results for the development could have painkillers.

grasshopper mice are carnivores

Grasshopper mice are native to North America and Mexico, and only distantly related to the house mouse. In contrast to most other rodents, they are carnivorous and feed on insects, scorpions, snakes, and small vertebrates.

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