class=”news_content”> Given the many revelations that has been exposed in recent weeks and months, the U.S. NSA, it rained again and again criticism. Last came to light that the U.S. intelligence phones of at least 35 heads of state around the world monitored – even that of Chancellor Angela Merkel
class=”news_content”> suddenly went on the website of the NSA from the lights. Who on Saturday ansteuerte www.nsa.gov on the night of Friday, was not welcomed by the secret service, the site was offline. Would bring Internet activists on the occasion of the recent developments at the NSA her displeasure with a hacker attack and put a sign? This was the question that many observers acted as the online presence of the NSA was suddenly offline. After all, Anonymous announced via Twitter to speak out and pretended to be a potential attacker. Even with the Huffington Post has been talk of a DDoS attack on the NSA.
class=”news_content”> The NSA had to wait with a statement not long in coming. There is no reason to panic. A hacker is not responsible for the failure. Much more resultiere the failure of an error during scheduled maintenance.
class=”news_content”> So light you will not know if the event but was not due to an attack. That the NSA intelligence as a transparent public relations not great writing on the flags, should now be known.
text sources: derstandard
Sener Dincer (g+) on Sunday, 27/10/2013 17:20 clock
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