Friday, October 11, 2013

Students benefit from DDR training their teachers: math teacher to better ... - NEWS

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 Chemistry is for many West German students hate a boring subject - in Berlin makes it seem even more fun. chemistry is for many West German students hate a boring subject – in Berlin makes it seem even more fun (Photo: AP).

Friday 11 October 2013

A study shows the major differences between ninth-graders in Germany. Some of their skills are in science three school years apart. This is also where they teach. The Ministers now want to come down on the teachers.

After the outstanding performance of East German students in the performance comparison in mathematics and natural sciences, the countries want to learn each other more in teacher training. The President of the Standing Conference of Saxony-Anhalt SPD politician Stephen Dorgerloh, announced to improve cooperation. According to the study, 15 percent of teachers who now teach mathematics in schools, not studied this subject – you can see from the high schools


In the test, the students achieved the 9th Grade from the five new federal states best values ??both in mathematics and in biology, chemistry and physics. Of the Western countries, however, only Bavaria and Rhineland-Palatinate could compete in the top group. Laggards are Bremen, North Rhine-Westphalia and Hamburg. Over 44,000 students of all types of schools were involved in the new school test. Among the 1,300 schools surveyed were also 60 special schools.

East German teachers still often trained in the GDR

The Berlin university researchers Hans Anand Pant said that mathematics and science were always careful during the GDR times in the schools with special attention. The majority of today teach in the new countries the math teacher was not trained in the GDR. In addition, there are independent of the schedule to the East German schools more science classes. Often teachers would offer additional courses or voluntary work groups.

nonparty Saxon culture minister Brunhild Kurth, who worked 13 years as a chemistry teacher in GDR times, said: “We were especially practical training while studying – with many internships and assignments in school.” The KMK Dorgerloh chairman added that many teachers had “built a kind of niche” in the GDR with the teaching of science.

origin and parents play a vital role

Saxony leads in all four subjects at the performance table. In Saxon Math students are in the 9th Class their peers from Bremen about two school years ahead. In physics, the learning gap between the leader and the bottom Saxony North Rhine-Westphalia is also about two years.

In the natural sciences, the study covered most of Rhineland-Palatinate (Physics) and Saxony (biology) is positive, while the dependence of origin and school success in Hamburg and Bremen is particularly clear. In Brandenburg, a particularly high gap between academics and workers’ children falls on.

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    learning distances of up to three years at school

    Rhineland-Palatinate Minister of Education Doris ancestors warned of a “pure staring at the national rankings.” In every country there are good and bad schools. One must learn more from each other and highlight positive examples, said the SPD politician.

    The study shows once again the extremely high dependence on school success and social background of academics have children in the 9th School class in the federal section of knowledge and power lead of nearly three years of school compared to their peers from working class families. In the promotion of children from disadvantaged backgrounds, there are however large differences between countries.

    The study also proves the old stereotype that boys do better in math than girls. In biology, it is exactly the opposite. In addition, boys are much more confident of their performance and assess themselves better than they actually are. Girls underestimate their hand in science performance.


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