Even the most encryptions are no longer safe from the NSA: codes, such as SSL or VPN, to the millions of Internet users rely on cracks, or bypasses the intelligence systematically. Media reports show the new secret documents.
Billion-dollar NSA program code-named Bullrun belong to the greatest mysteries of authority and had now come through the revelations of the whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed. Very few people had access to top secret information – and only the partner authorities in the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand would know about it
The UK strongly with crack
.According to reports, the British intelligence agency GCHQ in code breaking was very successful. Its analysts it would last a particular target goals such as Google, Yahoo, Facebook and Microsoft Hotmail.
Self considered safe encryption techniques provide for the intelligence reportedly not constitute problems So NSA and GCHQ could Chiffrierungssyteme such as VPN or SSL crack and the contents read along. SSL million web pages that begin with “https” as well as private networks are protected.
According to the secret documents the spy agencies come in many different ways on the cracked data. In addition to supercomputers, and decisions of courts of the secret services, thus helping secret partnerships with unnamed major technology companies. The NSA had even can ensure that common encryption systems have certain weaknesses.Bullrun is far more expensive than prism
According to the “Guardian”, the NSA is about 250 million dollars annually (190.5 million euros) to exert influence on the product development of software companies. For comparison, the Prism program costs each year about 20 million
expert on encryption techniques and security issues, Bruce Schneier described the new revelations in his blog as “explosive”.. “The NSA is able to decipher most of the Internet” – and not to “mathematically” but “by cheating”
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