Apple has indicated it could sell 9 million units in the first weekend. These are not only good 80 percent more than last year, but more than for example in the entire second quarter, Nokia Lumia devices has to settle. Also compared to Samsung see the numbers look good. For the Galaxy S4 Apple competitor required more than a month until he had sold 10 million units.
However, Apple sold this year for the first time two new devices. Since the launch took place in the same countries as the last time, will leave a larger sales territory as a reason for higher sales. That leaves only the second model as the cause of the increased sales. Analyst Gene Munster of Piper Jaffray, who for nearly two decades deals with Apple, but the relative record numbers of the iPhone manufacturer. In an interview with Bloomberg TV, he led them back to the fact that Apple is “filled sales channels” have. It was the iPhone 5C sold in large numbers to partners such as the network operator AT & T, which would have not been resold to final consumers. Following Munster’s estimate of Apple’s partners have around 3.5 million unsold iPhone 5C in stock. It is therefore from actually 5.5 million iPhones sold in the first weekend. But that would still be more than last year.
detailed figures for the sale of the individual models, Apple has not been called. It is therefore unclear which of the two models is higher in the eyes of buyers. That should be for Apple not matter because the margin is not altogether probably be lower than last year. With the less expensive iPhone 5C Apple uses most of the same components that it has already used up the last year’s model. Since the purchase of components has become less secure, should the 30 euros that costs less iPhone 5C, barely nibble at the margins.
Different is the top model of iPhone 5S. Here, a new processor, an additional chip which movements are recorded and a fingerprint scanner for use. This should the cost of Apple are significantly higher than for the iPhone 5C. Supply IHS estimates the difference in production costs between the two models at $ 26. The manufacturing cost of the iPhone 5S are therefore at $ 199 and $ 173 for the iPhone 5C. But only Apple knows the exact numbers. Anyway: Apple apparently earned the new models at least as much as last year with the iPhone 5
Despite all prophecies of doom, the manufacturer can still make it seems like its iPhone business successfully. The stock market has already reacted with price premiums. With a market share of around 18 percent it currently generates 57 percent of all profits generated in the smartphone market. And it looks as though that will not change in the future.
The iPhone launch in the UK (Photo: Statista)
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