Thursday, September 26, 2013

"Curiosity" takes plenty of water on Mars - THE WORLD


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. Scooters Curiosity on Mars around and it analyzes the atmosphere What he sends it home, confirmed previous assumptions: the air is

“Curiosity” takes plenty of water on Mars

The problem of water supply for future Mars visitors is solved: The U.S. research robot “Curiosity” has surprisingly discovered a lot of water in the Martian soil. For astronauts it is easily accessible.

The problem of water supply for future Mars visitors is solved: The U.S. research robot “Curiosity” has surprisingly discovered a lot of water in the Martian soil. For astronauts it is easily accessible.


spaceman from Earth have to do with a future mission to Mars apparently not worried about their water supply on the Red Planet: Mars soil contains a relatively large amount of water. It has a soil analysis by the rover “Curiosity” result. The water content is therefore about two percent, as scientists report by Laurie Leshin from Rensselear Polytechnic Institute in Troy (U.S. state of New York) in the U.S. journal “Science”. Moreover, among other things, gave the rover significant amounts of carbon dioxide, oxygen and sulfur compounds in the soil.

“One of the most exciting results of the very first solid sample, the” Curiosity “has incorporated itself, is the high proportion of water,” Leshin reported in a statement of their university. This is not only scientifically interesting but also a remarkable resource.

water by heating the soil win

“We now know that there should be plentiful and easily accessible water on Mars,” said Leshin. “If we send people there, they could pick up the ground somewhere on the surface, a little heat and have water.”

The rover had a heated shovel full of Martian soil in a special analysis chamber (“Sample Analysis at Mars,” SAM) to 835 degrees Celsius. In this case the water from the sample broke. The measurement also revealed a chlorine-oxygen compound that was previously known only from the high latitudes of Mars.

The apparatus also examined the relationship of the various hydrogen and carbon versions (isotopes) in soil. These isotopic ratios are consistent with those in the Martian atmosphere, which suggests a close interaction between sand and air. The researchers conclude that the loose Martian soil is blown all over the Red Planet.

Organic components not from Mars

In the analysis of the Mars sample also some simple organic compounds were detected. They have their origin but probably not on Mars, but occurred during heating of the sample by reactions with terrestrial organic matter on “Curiosity”.

“Mars has a kind of global layer, a superficial layer of soil that has been mixed and distributed by the frequent dust storms,” ??said Leshin. “A scoop of this stuff is like a microscopic Martian rock collection. If you mix a lot of grains, you get probably an accurate picture of the typical Martian crust. By studied this in one place, learn something about the entire planet.”

on water resources include researchers from another Fund of the Mars Rovers: The first stone was the “Curiosity” examines on the Red Planet, differs from all other previously known Martian rocks, as another research team in “Science” reported.

Mugearit formed under the influence of water

was baptized at the pyramid-shaped, volcanic rock, “Jake_M”, it is a so-called Mugearit. This volcanic rock emerges on the earth under the influence of water deep below the surface.

This indication of possible water deposits deep beneath the surface of Mars is not rock solid. The discovery of the stone is still important from another point of view, stressed co-author Martin Fisk of Oregon State University in a statement.

“He suggests that the Martian interior consists of regions of different composition. Maybe Mars has never been so uniformly mixed as the earth by their convection and plate tectonics.”

The rover “Curiosity” (curiosity) of the U.S. space agency Nasa was 6 August 2012 landed in the Gale Crater near the Martian equator.

The approximately $ 2.5 billion (nearly 1.9 billion euros) expensive mission is designed for a period of two years. The research robot should look on the red planet, especially for signs of life.

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