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21 July 2013 17:11
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million SIM cards of mobile phones are easy to crack? Experts warn of unsafe cards. The reason: an outdated encryption
The United Nations (UN) warned against hacker attacks on insufficiently protected mobile phones. Regulators in almost 200 countries and hundreds of cell phone providers would be alarmed shortly, said the part of the UN International Telecommunications Union (ITU) with. Discovered by a German company by a security vulnerability in mobile phones with an outdated encryption technology could get at least half a billion mobile phones hacker access. You can crack SIM cards, internet fraud and espionage which opens the door. The results showed that risks are to be expected on the Internet in the future, said ITU Secretary-General Hamadoun Toure.
ITU warning stems from knowledge of the German computer expert Karsten Nohl of Security Research Labs in Berlin company, which was expressed on online this. Affected are cell phones with SIM cards, where still the old DES encryption technology is used, Nohl said. This is still at least one eighth of the SIM card of the case, equivalent to 900 million handsets according to industry sources.
The International Association GSMA Mobile, in which more than 800 network operators worldwide are organized, confirmed time online that older SIM cards may be affected. They had been informed about the problems of Nohl. Specifically, it is a derived from the 1970s encryption standard. The method for manipulating want Nohl on 1 August at the hacker conference “Black Hat” imagine in Las Vegas.
mobile phone owners would not notice the takeover of their device. Were necessary only to some “silent” SMS messages with a malicious code that is sent to the mobile phone.
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A spokesman for Deutsche Telekom said time online , their customers would not be affected because the company better known as 3DES encryption used in older SIM cards.
hackers have cracked the SIM card, they might like the cell phone owner calls, send text messages and access to stored credit card numbers. G efährdet are doing all mobile phone types. IPhones as well as operated by Apple with Google’s Android software, phones, BlackBerrys
Karsten Nohl has repeatedly uncovered vulnerabilities in mobile networks. Last year, he warned of the possibility that criminals in the commercial debit cards can read data including unlisted numbers at cash terminals.
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source and Editor: SZ.de / Reuters / AP / ehr
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