Friday, July 5, 2013

DSL networks in the test: How good are Germany's broadband networks - ABC Online

DSL or broadband, premium or low cost provider – which broadband network is the best? The “connect” magazine has tested for four weeks at 26 locations in Germany, the networks. The quality differences are clear.

The German Telekom offers the best DSL connections: This is the result of high-power tests of the “connect” magazine. The Telecom defends her top ranking from last year.

With over 1.6 million data analyzed provides connect in the current issue 8/2013 and under / dsltest in “Germany’s toughest test landline 2013,” the answer, which provider for telephony and data traffic in the German broadband market ahead of the field and thus offer consumers the best services. The test results show that this is by no means all candidates succeed – especially if the lines are clogged with concurrent traffic. Connect the first time, the results for both voice and data weighted equally in this year, which takes account of the increasing use of IP and internet communications.

The tested telecom DSL connections offer high and stable all-round performance, as the result. Whether voice or data traffic – the readings of “leave little to be desired.” But the runner-Unity Media proves that it is the major DSL providers should pay attention to competition from well-established cable networks. Not for no thing is the third-placed Vodafone wants to incorporate the power cable from Germany. The latter, however, providers have to work on the quality of its network.



DSL rates



telephone Flatrate

T-Home Connection keep


1 & 1 and Kabel BW land in midfield, and this result is earned at 1 & 1 and was founded by a little bad luck in the form of power outages at Kabel BW. Telefonica/O2 was finally compared to the previous year’s result greatly improve, resulting in the overall score is more visible than in the placement.

Specifically, the telecom test the judgment reached very well with 450 points, followed by Unity Media (well, 448 points ), Vodafone (well, 422 points), 1 & 1 (well, 415 points), Kabel BW (well, 411 points), O2/Telefonica (well, 376 points) and cable Germany (satisfactory, 374 points).

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