On Thursday was the side on which to inform developers about Apple products and programming interfaces, suddenly offline. Also on Friday and on weekends the Apple site was not available – because of the unusually long outage Techblogs had already speculated it could have been a hacker attack
this assumption was confirmed on Sunday: The developer’s site had been taken offline in order to improve security measures, it states. One can not exclude that has been accessed names, addresses and e-mail addresses of developers. Further data were encrypted, however.
private customers do not relate to the attack, however, their data would be stored separately.
Apple Developer site is used by tens of thousands of developers. It contains, among other things, preliminary versions of Apple software and tools for app testing. Some users have reported over the past few days have been reset their passwords.
security expert believes in contextis currently unclear how the details of a security expert named Ibrahim Balic are classified. In the form of YouTube videos this announced that he had discovered vulnerabilities in Apple’s system. A nearly three-minute clip to prove its access to user data, he gave the title “I’m not a hacker, I do security research (100,000 + user information leaks).”
a comment Balic at TechCrunch writes that he has found Apple with a total of 13 bugs, one of which had allowed him to access the data from the developer’s website. He Apple reported immediately as his other discoveries, details on 73 Apple employees had it served him as evidence. A few hours later, the company took the developer’s site on the net. Apple has not yet commented on Balics statements.
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