Vienna – As if the current economy would not mess shaken enough; Now the utilities threatens nothing less than the final farewell. If the example of New York goes to school, it takes at most networks, but no electricity traders and anyone who reads the stream puts bill cashed.
In New York runs in the Brooklyn district since April, a field trial, participate in the ten households. Citizens on one side of the road on the other side provide citizens with self-generated solar power. That would in itself nothing special.
Pilot project in Brooklyn
New to the Brooklyn microgrid is that households involved the settlement and the payment to each other handle without an energy supplier would be interposed. “The mechanism shows how the future of a decentralized, self-managed in neighborhoods electricity grid might look like”, analyzes the consulting firm PwC.
What to write down the consultants so dry leaves alarm bells at electric utilities. Who needs their services even if producers and consumers locally initiate another and handle the digitized current market transactions?
On the upside
“Everyone utilities must for decide what he does, “Axel von Perfall said at PwC for the study” block chain – “responsible opportunity for energy consumers, the STANDARD. “The energy industry should the topic Block Chain pursue narrow because the well has the potential to set the industry on its head.”
beneficiaries are in any event the customer, comes from the study made for the Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen forth. “Because decrease system cost,” argues von Perfall. Producers and consumers could do their business directly, without electricity traders in between, without banks. “
Many questions open
” Everyone is engaged in any way with the Theme. Spruch maturity strategies are not yet available, “said Ernst Brandstetter, a spokesman for Austria’s energy Many questions are still open should be improved also by law Brandstetter:…” All this does not fit in the existing legal framework “And one must wonder at. which base network costs or green electricity levy will in future be funded if the number of payers will small
the first major application of the block chain technology (see Information) there were in the financial industry -. with the digital currency Bitcoin. Because banks could be superfluous as organizers of payments in the future, now many are working on their own applications. “There are a number of pilot projects where this technology is being tested in practice. And there will be more “month, said PwC man Axel von Perfall.
RWE and Vattenfall with a pioneering spirit
Also in the energy industry are first businesses, the possibilities of block Chain explore. this includes in Germany Vattenfall and RWE. the latter cooperate with the Saxon start-up this involves a fully automated payment model for charging electric cars.
Although block chain in energy is still in its infancy -. the development could proceed rapidly, “I believe that we will see in Austria in 2017 first larger projects and will be already achieved a certain level of maturity in three to five years,” said Thomas Hillebrand PwC Austria. utilities would have to change, they wanted to keep the upper hand. “with their expertise, the can still comparatively large financial power and reach they be quite relevant partners of this young, dynamic companies that promote the development,” Hillebrand said. ( Günther Strobl, 08/08/2016)
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