Monday, August 29, 2016

Digitalradiotag – “DAB + is the technology of the future” – Germany Kultur

Willi Steul hear

Post talking to Nana Brink

Willi Steul since 2009 Chef from Germany Radio (Germany Radio – Bettina Fürst Fastré)

The digital radio, DAB, provides clear audio quality and greater variety of programs over FM. Nevertheless, only ten percent of German households own a DAB unit. Why is that and how to accelerate the development, talks about the director of Germany Radios Willi Steul.

Nana Brink: Everything is supposed to be digitally today. We have already dealt with in this mission with streaming services for movies, read the interview with us on the website. And of course, the radio will come along digital: DAB, Digital Audio Broadcasting. Meanwhile, the terminals are indeed to have between 30 and 100 euros, that was always an obstacle to the spread, but still only ten percent of all German households owned a DAB device. And to change, the ARD and Germany radio deal today with the digital radio. And a big advocate is the director of the Germany radio, Willi Steul. Good morning here in “Studio 9″

Theme Day: Topic “DAB +” – digital is better

Willi Steul: good morning! And I would have bet with you that there are fifteen percent at the end of

loin discussion delayed development

Brink: Fifteen percent … Why are only ten why there are normally quite

Steul: Well, this DAB + in this quality, in this technology … There is indeed only the masts, on which will be broadcast, since August 2011. that is, we are talking about four years of development and you can not expect that this is as it were really more in four years. It would continue if they had not this dispute and this miserable discussion whether to or not and whether we need DAB or not. If we do not have, we would have very much further. In Switzerland, where the dispute between the partners – so these are the private radio and public – does not exist, where you pull together and decided that actually is DAB +, the technology of the future, as it is in 2024 begin, slowly, step by step to set the FM mode and then you will send in Switzerland only on DAB.

Theme Day – Radio the future

Brink: you’ve already described, there is this great dispute. Where then are the advantages of DAB +

Steul: I’ll give you times a handy example in Germany Radio: We play on today, I think there are 321 FM frequencies and dissemination our programs will cost us 36-38 million, will vary from time to time a bit. And we reached Germany Kultur regrettably only 60 percent of people, but all pay the license fee and the Germany radio is 70 percent. With DAB + is 100 percent when we expanded the network and then costs us which takes 36-38 million, only still 21 to 23 millions. This is very relevant. DAB uses significantly less power and it is absolutely stable terms of quality. The criticism refers above all, it … First, tell the “Internet aficionados”, everything hears about IP Radio. Only because they neglect that the costs are. DAB, which you have paid the license fee and when you hear about your phone radio on the Internet, then you will see how you Flatrate to its knees. Because with only a few hours of operation on the day you will get beyond your flat rate and then it costs you money

yesterday’s technology

Brink:.? This is yes criticism, because you mentioned the Internet somehow. The criticism relates not only to the fact that it is the Internet that you can also the then will download and listen what you want, but that is the technology well from yesterday

Steul.: the argument I have not heard that yesterday’s technology is. No. It is said that one does not need, because otherwise it is anyway on the Internet and that is wrong. Try again – the Internet you collapses – at New Year’s Eve between midnight and twenty phone calls before one with your family, then you will see what the internet has a restriction. And in the event of disaster or in a crisis situation, the Internet is the first thing off. And then you can only work on a proprietary, so the radio belonging distribution system. Let this issue, I could now talk to you about these things about one and a half hours. It is also a lot of nonsense that is written and said about DAB and why the Internet is so great.

I think now, the Internet is indeed a myth. None of us understands this Internet really in its technical possibilities and in all its complexity. now one assigns it to an ability as could the resolve especially with communication all. This is almost nonsense. And we also see this gigantic choice that people have naturally. You can via the Internet to 3,000, 4,000, 5,000 and get more radio programs. People who have the DAB radio, FM and Wi-Fi, experimenting for a few weeks with reggae from Jamaica and ukulele programs from Uruguay and find back to their few two, three, four’s preferred programs at the end and they hear only . DAB

policy needs local operator support

Brink: Let us look again very briefly in the future: Will this dispute be resolved


Steul: The will dissolve. It will take just a little

Brink:. How will he solve

Steul: Yes, I also believe , especially towards the small local operators with radio programs that you will be faced by the politics must extend the helping hand to enable them to develop models. So it was with the digital transition to television, that you are here subsidy possibilities. One can use this famous digital dividend for the auctioning of networks, as there are so possibilities. And we see that in the UK, where already more than 50 percent of people listen to digital, where almost no car is sold without the radio inside DAB + -enabled there. It takes time, and we are also in … I’m very optimistic. We need our time, but we will also come in Germany to

Brink:. Thank you! The director of the Germany radio Willi Steul via the DAB +, the Digital Audio Broadcasting, the technology of the future -. At least for ARD and Germany Radio

statements of our interlocutors give their own views again. Germany Kultur makes utterances of his interlocutors in interviews and discussions as our own.


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