Monday, August 29, 2016

Millennials rely Technology | Capital – Capital – economy Society

Young people see the world according to a survey by the World Economic Forum in new technologies more opportunities than risks – also for the job

Young people between 18 and 35 years seen in new technologies more opportunities than risks. According to a survey of more than 26,000 young people in 180 countries believe 86 percent that the new technologies will prove to be a job engine. Only 14 per cent fear negative employment effects.

The results of the survey published by the World Economic Forum recently. The objective of the “Global Shaper Annual Surveys” is to gain insight into the thinking and attitudes of the so-called Millennials.

The young people are therefore in any case technology-hostile not. For 45 percent of respondents artificial intelligence and robotics is the next big technology trend. 22 percent believe that the Internet of Things will shape the development

A majority of 65 percent is convinced. New technologies will have an impact on your career , 55 percent also expect the formation is influenced by the technological development. And 42 percent see large impact on mobility. Most health and education (21 percent) of respondents are to consider advantage of new technologies.

The Millennials were also asked about their general attitude to the problems and challenges of the world and their own country. Despite climate change, armed conflicts and corruption they are optimistic about the future. According to the survey see 70 percent of the so-called Millennials the world as a place full of opportunities.

A rose-colored glasses, but the young people not to reason. When asked about the most serious problems the world land climate change, wars and religious conflicts in the first three places. 26 percent of respondents believe that international organizations are capable of solving these problems. but 20 percent of Millennials dare even operate to contribute to the solution of problems.

Something else sees the image in the question of the problems in their own country from. Here is corruption in the first place followed by lack of job opportunities and educational opportunities. In their own countries but also believe 26 per cent of young people that they have to cope with the challenges on site the possibilities. Behind the government follow (20 percent) and civil society (17 percent).


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