Monday, January 4, 2016

Total networked: These are the technology trends 2016 – Berliner Kurier

The nursery is digital: This Barbie can not only talk but also listen. Armed with microphone and WLAN interface, comes “Hello Barbie” in the stores. Initially only in the US.

The world is going digital. Rapidly progressing the innovation pace. At least that promises the tech industry.

But really new are the trends that we, the experts not predict. We have yet ventured a look into the future. This awaits us in 2016.

The Internet of Things

From the kitchen scale to the car – everything is linked. “Device-mesh” is announced. That is, previously isolated devices used to be linked more and more. Smartphones, wearables and cars will communicate with each other more.

Experts expect that will be the year 2020 up to 50 billion devices connected to the Internet.

At the same time warn Experts

The smartphone can against the growing threat of hacker attacks.

Mobile payment

now (almost) everything. What’s missing: numbers with the phone. For years, the purse is promised. Now finally jump the smartphone heavyweights Samsung and Apple on the trend.

However, it is still unclear when their services to come to Germany.


Music is bought still mainly on CD in Germany. But the trend is clear: More and more songs are played directly from the network – “streamed”. Also in the TV are streaming providers such as Netflix or max cathedrals on the rise

Other trends on the next page

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