Monday, January 18, 2016

More technology: Study: Five million jobs disappear through “Industry 4.0″ – Abendzeitung München

The advance of the digital world in the factories and offices could after a study by the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2020 bottom line cost more than five million jobs.

Davos – The fourth industrial revolution will make unnecessary approximately 7 million conventional jobs in the major developed and emerging economies, at the same time but provide only around 2 million jobs with new requirements, according to the study published on Monday.

It is based at on a survey strategy managers and hiring managers from nine branches in 15 economies – including Germany, China, the US, UK and Japan

The ever-increasing use. of robots and 3-D printers, genetic engineering and biotechnology and nanotechnology will “cause upheavals not only in the business models, but also in the labor market” to.

The States would be better to Setting the “Industrie 4.0″ and promote education in future-oriented professions stronger, explained WEF chief Klaus Schwab. The study will be discussed at the WEF Annual Meeting, which begins in Davos on Wednesday. The overarching theme of the meeting of 2500 politicians, managers and scientists is “Mastering the fourth industrial revolution”.


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