Thursday, September 4, 2014

Private nude pictures: Technology as Malice – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

The game in Hollywood has changed overnight. Perez Hilton is an example of this. The blogger with the programmatic artist name, which in recent years made a name for it, alleged news of American celebrities breitzutreten first with image evidence in the network, sat down on Monday even before a camera. He apologized committed “a mistake” and, “without thinking” to have published private photos of Jennifer Lawrence.

From his readers earned him an accused to the “rapists” the actress to belong. Harsh words, the protest took the unscrupulous blogger this time as a criticism which would, as he confessed shocked, brought him to think. About a hundred women, actresses and singers are to be affected by the data theft. An already Coursing section of the dataset, in the case of Jennifer Lawrence already rated as a reason for a career end.

Even if it is only suspected before, that a technical negligence of Apple led to the incident, it is now not only to theft, stalking and extortion, but also the pitfalls of modern technologies. How is with her and her ways are handled? From Jennifer Lawrence now haunts an interesting interview from the red carpet through the net. The actress looked in May on the phone a journalist who wanted to show her a picture, which was hidden by a warning message. She said then casually: “My iCloud also keeps telling me I should make a back-up. I do not know what that is. Back up but even from “

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What was behind it, she has now learned painfully. As in the private sector, it is also true in politics. In May 2013, the American Senate Apple CEO Tim Cook invited to a hearing to discuss the tax evasion of the technology giant. John McCain took the opportunity for a joke. He asked Cook: “Why the hell do I have to constantly play updates on my iPhone? Why do not you fix it? “

A month later Edward Snowden began to speak to journalists about what is going on with the technology and their updates on itself. Snowden could do nothing to alter the impression flirtatious: Technology is convenient to use when the security issues simply “wegklickt”. But the utility draws its costs. For celebrities is the end of privacy sealed thing. Know about the rest of humanity so far only the secret services all

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