Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Ausspäh affair NSA intercepts millions of Yahoo and Google Data From - THE WORLD


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The film comes from a NSA presentation from January 2013. shows you how the

NSA intercepts millions of Yahoo and Google data from

The U.S. NSA has apparently secretly latched into the lines of Google and Yahoo worldwide. When metadata was not close: There are texts and videos have been intercepted


The U.S. NSA has apparently secretly latched into the lines of Google and Yahoo worldwide. When it was not closing Metadata: It should have been intercepted texts and videos


The U.S. NSA has the information superhighway of the Internet companies Yahoo and Google cracked by a report in the “Washington Post” to intercept millions of information. The online edition of the newspaper appealed to the report from Wednesday to documents of the former NSA employee Edward Snowden and information from government employees.

After a secret internal installation of 9 January 2013 to the NSA transmit millions of daily data from the internal networks of Yahoo and Google in their own data warehouse at Fort Meade in the State of Maryland. In the past 30 days, 180 million new records had been transferred. Below are called metadata, from which it is apparent, who, when the e-mails sent or received. But had also contain content such as text, audio or video files.

The NSA operate with the British GCHQ an “unusually aggressive” tool called “Muscular” that disclosing the data. It differs from a secret court approved Spähprogramm “prism” that the U.S. authorities enables direct access to Internet communications across multiple providers.

It was not previously known that the NSA also routinely foregoing against U.S. companies. You use from here to access links to data centers outside the United States, which is legally easier. Google as they operate in Ireland, Finland, Belgium, Chile or Singapore.

In a text message to the newspaper Google had “troubled” by the allegations raised “that the government picks up the traffic between our data centers.” The company was not aware of these measures. “We are concerned about the possibility of this kind of spying, which is why we continue to expand the encryption on more and more Google services for a long time.”

Yahoo said in a reaction from having “strict protocols” for the protection of data in the data centers. You have given no government agency access. The NSA, however, speaks in internal presentations always expect to have access.

video player video player story body
NSA chief Keith Alexanderverteidigt the work of U.S. intelligence agencies

wiretapping scandal

NSA chief defends U.S. intelligence against criticism

video player video player story body


Decision in Armed flat rate: Defeat for Deutsche Telekom: Court stops ... - ABC Online

The German Telekom may, following a decision by the Cologne Regional Court does not restrict the surfing speed at fixed rates. A corresponding contract clause declared the Cologne Regional Court on Wednesday inadmissible.

The judgment concerns both the originally announced reduction to 384 Kbps as well as that of 2 megabits per second. Thus, the Court upheld a suit of NRW consumer. With the term flat rate customers connect with internet access via the fixed network a fixed price for a certain surfing speed and do not expect restrictions Civil Chamber of the Court based its decision. The plans of telecom for a speed-reducing device had caused a stir in the summer, the company was derided as “Drosselkom”. More on the current development in the near future on ABC Online

class=”created”> pnh / dpa

Parasites: Ticks swim in the skin - Times Online

Similar breaststroke ticks to burrow into the skin of the people. Then they anchor themselves firmly in it. The movement sequences, researchers have been scrutinized.

class=”articlemeta-date”> 30 October 2013

A tick on the skin of a human being A tick on the skin of a human being | © Patrick Pleul / dpa

researchers the Charité Hospital and Harvard University have studied, such as ticks get under the skin of people: with movements similar to those of breaststroke swimmers they drill forward to then firmly drawn. First, the bloodsuckers scratch with their claws jaw to the skin. Then they drill their lower jaw with the barbs in humans or animals, to anchor him there.

this process, the researchers have with film and microscope images at Commons Wood Tick (Ixodes ricinus ) was investigated. This tick can transmit the causative agent of Lyme disease dangerous. The scientists report in the Proceedings B of the Royal Society through their analyzes.


The team had

ticks down on the ears of anesthetized hairless mice and then tracked how those boring through the skin. “The tick connects their swimming movements with the solid anchoring in the host. We know of no other organism, so combining these two processes,” said the now working in Brunswick biologist Dania judges who had a leading role in the research.

tick takes a few minutes to get under the skin

“The process takes several minutes. Sometimes it’s even faster if the tick is quite sure that she has found the right host,” said Judge. Then the animal enshrines there for about a week to draw blood – if it will not be detected and removed before


other suspects often than not, it is not dangerous when removing a tick a piece in the skin get stuck. “Since the hypostome aborts the mandible barbed. Thereof assumes no danger, because there are no pathogens in it,” said Judge.

is known that the causative agent of Lyme disease is transmitted only very rarely in the first 24 hours after a tick bite. Lyme disease can thus be avoided when the body is regularly screened for ticks. “The tick should be removed as soon as possible, disinfect the place, and then should be paid to the physical condition,” said Judge.

meningitis: Causes and Contagion

Meningitis is an inflammation of the brain and spinal cord (meninges). It occurs when germs such as bacteria , viruses , mushrooms or parasites , penetrating the brain. Frequently children or persons are affected with a weakened immune system of meningitis. There are three ways to reach the seed reaches the brain: they often have direct access from sites of infection in the paranasal sinuses or the middle ear. But they can also be washed in a focus of disease elsewhere in the body via the blood. The third option is an open violation of the skull, forming a portal of entry for germs.

The most common pathogens are bacteria . Here are the pneumococci and meningococci in addition to the Haemophilis influenzae of the main causes. However, there are also meningitis that are caused by viruses , for example by herpes virus , by of ticks -borne encephalitis virus or a viral infection in a mumps . The susceptibility to certain germs depends, among other things, the age of the people: pneumococcal, meningococcal, and Haemophilus influenzae are primarily responsible for meningitis in children. Fungal pathogens, such as Cryptococcus and Aspergillus spores cause meningitis usually only in immunocompromised people. Fungal Meningiden are not transferable from person to person.

(Source: AOK)

Often the

meningitis starts like a flu: high fever with , body aches, vomiting, and headache . The headache gradually become more violent, the head can be moved back and finally before ( stiff neck ) is no longer free. With rising fever clouding of consciousness may occur, which may lead to coma. In addition, there may be convulsions and paralysis. Children complain addition to the above symptoms often also severe abdominal pain.

therapy and vaccination

therapy of meningitis differs depending on the agent: meningococcal disease are usually treated with antibiotics such as penicillin G or cefotaxime. Fungal Meningiden certain fungal agents. In a viral meningitis a specific therapy is usually neither possible nor necessary. The only exception is a strong suspicion of a herpes simplex or varicella-zoster infection. In these cases, the drug acyclovir is used. The symptoms are treated with antipyretic and analgesic agents.

Standing Vaccination Committee (STIKO) of the Robert Koch Institute recommends that children receive a vaccination against pneumococcal and Haemophilus influenzae bacteria in the first year of life. At the beginning of the second year of life is to follow a Vaccination against meningococcal disease. However, the vaccine only protects against meningococcal type C

Typical signs of Lyme disease is a red rash ring that spreads around the injection site. Other symptoms include joint and muscle pain, paralysis in the arms or legs, and skin lesions. If the disease is not detected early, late effects such as joint inflammation (arthritis), heart muscle or nerve inflammation are possible.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Ara with interchangeable modules: Motorola launches project for modular ... - ABC Online

phone pioneer Motorola experimenting with smartphones based on the modular principle. When Ara Project is a phone plugged together from different modules.

div processor, display, keypad, sensors and other components can be combined and exchanged, as the Google-owned subsidiary Motorola said in a blog post late Monday. Ara is an open and free platform: “We want to create in hardware what Android has achieved in software.” That Google’s Android operating system has become the dominant force in the smartphone market, partly because it is open to different manufacturers A similar concept like Motorola had already submitted in the summer, the Dutch designer Dave Hakkens. He wants his design study Phonebloks move the industry to develop a plug-smartphone on the modular principle. So far Phonebloks is supported by almost one million Internet users, but of no significant smartphone manufacturer.

Monday, October 28, 2013

New revelations: NSA data collected millions in Spain - Times Online

60 million records in a few weeks: The NSA was also active in Spain. Premier Rajoy and millions of Facebook users to have been siphoned off.

Visitors Their use mobile phones

visitors to the largest mobile phone trade show in Barcelona, ??Spain | © Emilio Morenatti

Now come the machinations of the NSA in Spain to light: as in Germany and France are also in the southern European country millions of people have been spied on by U.S. intelligence. This was reported by the British journalist Glenn Greenwald in an article for the Spanish newspaper El Mundo . Accordingly, the NSA has collected tens of millions of telecommunication records in late 2012.

Greenwald performs citing documents the whistleblower Edward Snowden, the U.S. agents are the phone numbers and places – not the content – of more than 60.5 million phone calls between December 2012 and January 2013 have stored. There are also other personal data of Internet, e-mail, Facebook and Twitter users in Spain.


Such revelations should not surprise the Spanish intelligence services now. Like the newspaper El País had reported, citing intelligence sources, this harbor has long suspected that were spied in Spain millions of phone calls, text messages and e-mails.

The government in Madrid on the other hand was officially clueless. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy declared yet on Friday it had been no evidence of a U.S. spy in Spain.

It should be spied among the European leaders also Rajoy. According to El País , the NSA was to have been interested in both the current Prime Minister and on his predecessor José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. Now the U.S. government has summoned Ambassador James Costos for this Monday.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Website of the U.S. secret NSA paralyzed - Gulli

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class=”news_content”> Given the many revelations that has been exposed in recent weeks and months, the U.S. NSA, it rained again and again criticism. Last came to light that the U.S. intelligence phones of at least 35 heads of state around the world monitored – even that of Chancellor Angela Merkel


class=”news_content”> suddenly went on the website of the NSA from the lights. Who on Saturday ansteuerte on the night of Friday, was not welcomed by the secret service, the site was offline. Would bring Internet activists on the occasion of the recent developments at the NSA her displeasure with a hacker attack and put a sign? This was the question that many observers acted as the online presence of the NSA was suddenly offline. After all, Anonymous announced via Twitter to speak out and pretended to be a potential attacker. Even with the Huffington Post has been talk of a DDoS attack on the NSA.

class=”news_content”> The NSA had to wait with a statement not long in coming. There is no reason to panic. A hacker is not responsible for the failure. Much more resultiere the failure of an error during scheduled maintenance.

class=”news_content”> So light you will not know if the event but was not due to an attack. That the NSA intelligence as a transparent public relations not great writing on the flags, should now be known.

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Sener Dincer (g+) on Sunday, 27/10/2013 17:20 clock

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NSA Chief: "We hunt terrorists and protect civil rights" - Heise Newsticker

class=”bild_rechts c1″>
Keith Alexander during his monologue enlarge
Image: Kayla Jo Finley The NSA chief Keith Alexander has accused journalists, the documents of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden to sell. That does not make sense, and “we must find a way to stop that,” he told the blog, “Armed with science” U.S. Department of Defense. What ways has to Alexander thought it, he did not elaborate. That is for the courts and politicians, but it is “wrong to let it [the publications of the documents Snowden] go”. The stated aim of the blog article is that “to straighten history” and so the interview also resembles more a long statement by Keith Alexander.

At the beginning of the soliloquy, which is the underlying message, Alexander defended the work of the NSA with the long history of the secret service, which began with the deciphering German communications in World War II. The 11 September 2001 had revealed the weakness of the intelligence agencies to “connect points”. They swore that it never happens again and that is why you should stay the course now. The programs you have now, would help to connect the dots. “People say we spy on America. This is absolutely wrong,” says Alexander. “We hunt with these programs terrorists, protect civil liberties and privacy.”

The full interview

Alexander explains, among other things, monitoring programs would not only help in securing the United States, but also protect other states. Thus it may be more “events” have been uncovered abroad, as threats to the country. In addition, we have significantly helped in the protection of U.S. soldiers in Iraq. In addition, it is the task of the intelligence, to ensure the cyber security of the U.S. and to protect intellectual property.

When Alexander the specific revelation of the French newspaper Le Monde is received, the NSA had recorded data from over 70 million calls within one month, it changes the charge to return it. It is simply not possible to listen to so many phone calls in a foreign language and evaluated. But that it should be a collection of connection data, which reveal themselves very much about the target person, the fact it does not shrink. Instead, he called the allegation absurd and expressed the fear that journalists would conjure up with such reports hazards.

At the end of the statement

Alexander still declared that Edward Snowden, in his opinion, not a hero and have people on his conscience. He has damaged the country and could no longer be undone. The true heroes would instead sit at NSA. There, the “best and most honorable citizens” of the United States, who earned the gratitude of the American civil worked.

Alexander had repeatedly defended the surveillance by the NSA before the dangers of terrorism. Yet he does not address the allegations, U.S. intelligence would foreign leaders – such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel – monitor and how that serves the fight against terrorism. Even the alleged spying for large companies such as Petrobras and Belgacom would be difficult to defend with the stated goal of NSA’s work. (mho)

When Apple introduced the Trash in Mac OS animated - THE WORLD


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When Apple the Trash in Mac OS animated

In nearly 30 years of development, much has happened at Apple’s Mac OS. Revolutionary was the graphical user interface, the operating system now, there are even free. A look back at the beginnings.

In nearly 30 years of development has done a lot with Apple’s Mac OS. Revolutionary was the graphical user interface, the operating system now, there are even free. A look back at the beginnings. From


addition to Windows and Linux, one of the major operating systems of our time: Apple’s “Mac OS X”. But how actually all started? What was the software in 1984, when Apple launched through just so right with the Macintosh? “Computer Bild” looks almost 30 years ago and shows that even an animated trash was once a specialty.

beginning was “Mac OS” mainly as a system for simple data processing. A colorless collection with programs such as a “note pad” should help people to organize files with a simple control to find the way in digitization.

Much later came more features and the ability to run multiple programs simultaneously added. Was revolutionary in times of “DOS” especially the graphical user interface that worked better than the Microsoft alternative and was controlled with a mouse.

shape and color

text color and optical finishing touches were a long time coming. The dock was now known, for example, introduced in 2001 with the first Mac OS X. Previously were even small improvements, such as a command line for the shutdown of the computer as an innovation.

Today’s versions are large cats, like DOS and Windows, difficult to compare with each other. Leads one bears in mind that even the support of printers at that time was something special and the first Apple laptop cost 6500 U.S. dollars, one can confidently speak of another world of IT.


Mac OS had not always pleasant-sounding name. Prior to version 7.6, each simple software called “System X” where “X” stood for each release. With Mac OS 7.6 Apple changed all that was now on, at least the “Mac” in the name.

When they then introduced in Cupertino code names to refer to each version more accurately, Apple quickly realized that users also prefer talking to simple labels on Mac OS X. After “Cheetah” and “Puma” still appeared as “10.0″ or “10.1″, began “10.2 Jaguar” with to use the code name used for advertising.

Now that Apple after “Mountain Lion” but the big cats are considered, one focusing on “10.9 Mavericks” on famous places in California, the home state of Apple.


iPhone apps: The 150 best programs

Source: “Computer Bild”. More tests at

With the iOS 7, Apple has revised its operating system completely. This also applies to the design. It can be downloaded for free from September 18 to iPhones and iPads.


This can Apple’s new iPhone operating system iOS 7



The story of Apple’s iPhone in pictures

Motorola Ingenier Martin Cooper introduced the 1973, the first mobile phone call

Photo: Computer image Source: “Computer Bild”

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Everything else in the interior of the new C-Class - THE WORLD

A large, almost floating flat and a center console with almost no buttons are the special features in the interior of the new Mercedes C-Class (2014).

Photo: Daimler

A large, almost floating flat and a center console with almost no buttons are the special features in the interior of the new Mercedes C-Class (2014).

The first Mercedes gets the C-Class a head-up display as an option. It projects key driving information onto the windshield.

Photo: Daimler

The first Mercedes C-Class gets a head-up display as an option. It projects the data to the key driving windshield.

steering wheel and Mercedes star are still there -. otherwise everything is new in the C-Class, the interior is modern, flowing and tidy

Photo: Daimler

steering wheel and Mercedes star are still there – otherwise everything is new in the C-Class, the interior is modern, flowing and tidier


As with the S-Class, the navigation system is connected to the air conditioner: If the car detects a tunnel entrance, it switches the ventilation to recirculation mode and can only after the tunnel re-air in from outside. Photo: Daimler

As with the S-Class, the navigation system is connected to the air conditioner: If the car detects a tunnel entrance, it switches the ventilation to recirculation mode and can only return after the tunnel air from the outside in.

U.S. intelligence denies hacker attack: Update lays website of the National ... - N24

A technical glitch

the website of the U.S. Secret NSA has temporarily paralyzed.


“The page was tonight because of an error that occurred during a scheduled update, unreachable for several hours,” said an NSA spokeswoman. The website (local time) was since the afternoon temporarily unavailable. The spokeswoman dismissed rumors back, after a hacker attack that caused the failure.

messaging service Twitter had earlier made speculations about such an attack the round. The group Anonymous reacted with scorn from the failure of the page. There is no reason to worry, the NSA disponer a backup copy of the entire Internet, said the activists with a view to comprehensive U.S. data espionage. The hacker group had claimed responsibility for a series of online attacks over the past few years. The NSA is after the revelations of former U.S. intelligence employee Edward Snowden in the center of a worldwide Spähaffäre.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Firefox Add-On Surf visualized Tracking - Heise Newsticker

Who wants to know which pages remain in everyday surfing traces, which can be visually display the Firefox extension of the Light Beam. Light Beam is a successor to collusion and was provided as part of the Mozilla Festival for download.

extension evaluates the cookies stored and prepares the data graphically. In a separate Firefox tab Lightbeam shows then pass on what pages use data to third parties. Additionally shows the extension where the respective web servers are.

class=”bild_zentriert c1″>
The graphical representation of cookies shows the linking of individual pages with third parties. enlarge

After installation calls Lightbeam in Firefox via “Go Light beam ‘in Tools menu. Except as graphic can Lightbeam view the collected data as a list and optionally sorted by time. Filters filter on request in the graphical view individual objects, such as third party websites or blocked pages.

class=”bild_zentriert c1″>
in the list view you can block domains including their subdomains. enlarge

Among other things, this

block specific pages is different from the previous Lightbeam collusion. In the list view can select individual websites and block. Once a site is blocked, Firefox loads of the affected domain and all its subdomains no more data.


Light Beam is for all who have switched off the creation of the Chronicle in Firefox. Because then fall to no evaluable data. Information from private tabs Lightbeam can only tap when it is open while surfing. (bae)

Antarctic ozone hole smaller than the average for the last 20 years - Spiegel Online

Washington – The ozone hole over Antarctica has shrunk. In September and October, there was an average of 21 million square kilometers, said the U.S. space agency NASA on the night of Saturday with Washington. So it was this year, significantly less than the average for the past two decades.

Since the mid-nineties, measured on the basis of NASA satellite data size of the ozone hole in the average of the two months lie at 22.5 million square kilometers. However, the data of one year were not sufficient to say whether the hole will lower the long term, said the Nasa.

was the biggest hole that changes daily in its dimensions, this year on 16 September, 24 million square kilometers, about the size of North America. The largest ozone hole ever recorded on 9 September 2000 but was still nearly six million square kilometers greater.

unfiltered UV light penetrates to the earth

The ozone layer surrounds the earth as a shield. Since the early eighties, scientists observed a decrease of ozone in the stratosphere (15 to 50 km altitude). Over Antarctica they reported first time in 1985 after an ozone hole that forms in the south polar winter. Due to the thinner ozone layer penetrates more unfiltered UV light on the earth, which can cause skin damage including skin cancer and eye. Many countries have committed themselves to the Montreal Protocol of 1987 to protect the ozone layer and the production of ozone-depleting chemicals, mainly from CFCs stopped.

In recent years, there have been reports about the fact that the ozone hole could close again. “If the trend continues, then closes after these model calculations, the ozone hole, and the ozone layer will regenerate,” scientists predict about the German Centre for Aerospace. However, experts are divided on how climate change will affect the CFC processes in the ozone layer.

CFCs are very stable and slowly build up in the atmosphere. The chlorine atoms present can destroy the ozone layer for decades. In Germany, CFCs are no longer produced since 1994. Without a global ban on CFCs, the ozone layer in 2050 would be almost completely destroyed world, says Markus Rex from the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research. Even in our part of it would have been in this case a huge problem with the UV radiation.


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Climate - ozone hole this year, less than the average - Sü

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26 October 2013 21:31

As big as North America: The image shows the ozone hole 16 September 2013. With 24 million square kilometers, it was in this year that the greatest.

(photo: dpa )

still 21 million square kilometers in size, or at least shrunk slightly: The ozone hole over the Antarctic is slightly less than the average for the past two decades this year. However, for a sigh of relief, it is too early.

The ozone hole over the Antarctic is slightly less than the average for the past two decades this year. In September and October, there was an average of 21 million square kilometers, said the U.S. space agency Nasa with in Washington. Since the mid-90s, based on measured data from NASA satellite the size of the ozone hole in the average of the two months lie at 22.5 million square kilometers.

data from one year, however, were not sufficient to be able to say whether there would less in the long run, shared with NASA. The largest was the ozone hole, which changes daily in its dimensions, this year on 16 September, 24 million square kilometers, about the size of North America. The largest ozone hole ever recorded on 9 September 2000 but was still nearly six million square kilometers greater.

The ozone layer surrounds the earth as a shield. Scientists since the early 80s observed a decrease of ozone in the stratosphere. The experts reported the first time 1985 on an Antarctic ozone hole after that forms the south polar winter. Due to the thinner ozone layer penetrates more unfiltered UV light on the earth, which can cause skin damage including skin cancer and eye. Many countries have committed themselves to the Montreal Protocol of 1987 to protect the ozone layer and the production of ozone-depleting chemicals, mainly from CFCs stopped.

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    Deaths from pre-Columbian times: Researchers discover ancient mummies in Peru - ABC Online

    a cemetery in Peru Archaeologists have discovered two intact mummies, which apparently date from the early history of the country. A laboratory investigation should bring more details now.

    More than a thousand years old, the two could be mummies, archaeologists now during excavations in the capital of Lima in the archaeological site of Huaca Pucllana have been found. They discovered the two dead from pre-Columbian times in a cemetery from the days before the Inca rule, as the senior archaeologist Gladys Paz said Thursday. If it were one of the most important discoveries in “more than three decades,” because the two mummies were completely preserved. The intact grave was discovered five days ago.In the grave goods such as cloth bags, vessels and the remains of three guinea pigs were found. In the second dead man, a child, if it were a victim who had been buried with the dead, Paz said since excavation began in 1981, were at Huaca Pucllana, a pyramidal temple, more than 70 tombs found. Huaca Pucllana was built between 100 and 600 AD.

    In 2010, archaeologists discovered the grave of a woman already there with their four children, in 2008, the mummy of a 13-year-old was found.

    recent finds will now be examined in the laboratory to determine the age and sex of the dead.

    U.S. intelligence paralyzed - Anonymous laughs - THE WORLD


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    Probable hacker attack on NSA website paralyzed – Anonymous laughs

    The website of the secret NSA is offline. It circulated speculation about a hacker attack. This, however, rejected the authority back. If it were merely a technical glitch.

    The website of the secret NSA is offline. It circulated speculation about a hacker attack. This, however, rejected the authority back. If it were merely a technical glitch.


    The website of the U.S. Secret NSA has been paralyzed on Friday. The reason for the failure was being investigated, said NSA spokeswoman Vanee Vines, without giving further details. The page was since Friday afternoon (local time) for the time being no longer accessible.

    In short message service Twitter made speculation about a hacker attack that round. The intelligence agency rejected the reports. According to the authority, there has been an update to the online presence an internal problem in which the page was not accessible for several hours. Speculation that the NSA site had been paralyzed by a so-called denial-of-service attack, were incorrect. Such an attack is an attempt by outsiders to overload a website with a flood of inquiries. The NSA reported that their problem had been solved on Friday night (local time).

    The group Anonymous reacted with scorn from the failure of the page. There is no reason to worry, the NSA had secured the entire Internet as a copy. The hacker group had claimed responsibility for a series of online attacks over the past few years. The NSA is after the revelations of former U.S. intelligence employee Edward Snowden in the center of a worldwide Spähaffäre.

    The United States also acknowledged the tensions with its allies because of the eavesdropping allegations. But they should not interfere with cooperation on important issues like Syria and Iran, said the spokeswoman for the U.S. State Department, Jen Psaki, on Friday in Washington.

    The U.S. services have, according to “The Guardian” the phones of 35 leaders in the world listened to a report by the British, including the mobile phone from Chancellor Angela Merkel. The news of the NSA activities is a significant problem in relations with allies and have also led to confusion in the public, Psaki said.

    “We are in conversation with these allies,” said the spokesperson continued, referring to the planned visit next week for German intelligence chiefs in the United States. The EU will send a high-level delegation to the United States.

    Germany and France, where also phone data to have been spied on, strive for agreements with the U.S. on the work of its intelligence services. Such bilateral “No-Spy Agreement” with the U.S. government should be completed by year-end, said Angela Merkel at the EU summit in Brussels. Other EU countries wanted to join the initiative.

    © Axel Springer AG 2013. All rights reserved

    "Crypto Phones" to Open Wires: Top Secret - How to make her ... - ABC Online

    for the chancellor is: phone calls have now nothing more to do with confidential conversations – has become far too easy interception. Nevertheless, secret talks on the phone are still possible: through an encrypted connection

    Since the introduction of digital mobile networks mobile phone calls can no longer easily with a simple radio scanner. be overheard. But the modern GSM networks are now seen as full of holes. So you can seduce mobile phones with so-called IMSI catchers to to register with manipulated radio cells, the then a telephone call can be intercepted.

    Also have intelligence the ability to link data and even call content and SMS messages from the backbone networks of Telekom Provider fish out. Therefore, top managers try in business and political leaders to secure their mobile calls through encrypted connections.

    The current generation of used for encrypted calls “crypto phones” so far as is safe. “I can not imagine that the encrypted conversations were intercepted me,” said an expert from the security industry. “This is almost impossible. I think more likely that unprotected phones were hacked. “

    practice an” open line “

    If government members and business leaders make calls to their mobile phones encryption with each other, a tap-proof tunnel is established. If you call a regular phone without encryption from the crypto phone, but the connection is uncertain. “These calls are virtually without encryption on the open wire instead,” says the expert. In conversations with senior politicians from other countries is often a complex re-encryption is necessary because different systems are used.

    The technical details of the alleged espionage operation against the Chancellor are still unclear. Merkel has been using for quite some time now obsolete Nokia slider phone, probably the model “6210 Navigator”. The encryption on this device was used reportedly the same as in the digital police radio network (Tegra default).

    New Smartphones for the federal government

    The system was developed by the Deutsche Telekom subsidiary T-Systems. The responsibility for the overall solution carries the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). The Nokia mobile phone from Merkel was reportedly not connected to the Internet. Therefore, it should also not have been possible to install over the Internet Trojan software on the machine to listen to the Chancellor.

    Last ordered the Federal Government, a new generation of security smartphones. There are two models: A Samsung device on which software runs by Deutsche Telekom and BlackBerry devices that were protected by the Düsseldorf security software company Secusmart. With the new equipment for the first time to a phone for calls and secure Internet use can be used. Until now, it had to rely on two different devices. The new smartphones will be delivered to the government for only a few weeks.

    U.S. Intelligence: NSA has reports of hacker attacks back - Times Online

    The website of the NSA has been unreachable for hours – according to official figures, due to a maintenance error. Previously, hackers had bragged about the attack.

    nsa-teufelsberg-berlin The former NSA wiretapping facility on Teufelsberg in Berlin (archive) | © Pawel Kopczynski / Reuters

    The website of the U.S. Secret Service NSA been unavailable for several hours on the night of Saturday. According to the authority, the failure resulted from an error during scheduled maintenance. Accusations that the page had been set by hackers out of service, the NSA rejected.

    The hacker group Anonymous had previously flirted via Twitter that may be responsible for the failure. “Looks like the beginning of a cyber war,” it said in the statement. The Huffington Post suspected then a so-called denial-of-service attack: Here outsiders try to overload a website with a flood of inquiries. Anonymous had already been known in recent years for several of these attacks.


    The NSA is after the revelations of the former intelligence employee Edward Snowden in the center of a worldwide Spähaffäre. Allegations, the agency has intercepted at their own instigation, the phones of 35 foreign leaders who talk about the powers of the NSA have rekindled.