The U.S. visionary Elon Musk dreams of traveling nearly the speed of sound. Physically there is little contrast. Why is not the technology long ago
© Elon Musk / Tesla Motors / SpaceX
Hyperloop called Elon Musk, the only way for superschnellles travel, the people are still missing. Unless the invention of teleportation between legs away – what “awesome” would be, but why “please someone to take care of it.” The idea of ??a multi-millionaire, aerospace and electric car entrepreneur: the 560 kilometers between Los Angeles and San Francisco could be quite back into a tube carrying passengers in the cabins at a speed of 1,100 city to city
“fifth mode of transportation” by plane, train, bus and boat Musk happens to have just outlined, together with a dozen engineers from his company, SpaceX and Tesla Motors to 57 pages. Does no one else is. Worse, the visionary Musk annoying for years a major project in California, which is about to start construction. The Californian high-speed rail that will connect with San Diego in 2029 from Sacramento. The route Los Angeles – San Francisco was then to deal with the train in under three hours
Musk brings up the wall: How can it be that an express train to build the home of Silicon Valley, which “is both one of the most expensive per mile as well as one of the slowest in the world”? The disappointed Musk will now provide the impetus that it is also quite different.
How realistic is the Hyperloop? The physicist and engineer John Hansman from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) put it: “I see nothing that would break fundamental rules of physics.” Theoretically, the Hyperloop is therefore possible. Would indeed be embarrassing if it were to fail, the long-awaited project outline of Musk on such banalities. Possible problems of multi-millionaire and his engineers thought along the same course.
just did not work, was simply the well-known principle of pneumatic tube to enlarge. The idea of ??people to blow as news in containers through a tube by compressed air, produced on a large scale “so stupendously much friction that it is impossible for the practice,” says Musk fixed.
So how about instead of pneumatics with eloktromagnetischer similar to the levitation Transrapid? Experimented about the consortium Evacuated Tube Transport Technologies, ET3 shortly. Would go if it were possible to keep the tube in a vacuum. Musk is difficult: “Even a leaking seal or a small crack somewhere in the hundreds of miles of pipe would suffice – and the whole system no longer works.”
The solution to the U.S. is the visionary Hyperloop. Gondolas which operate in the low pressure tubes. Simple pumps could balance out the air density also for small fluctuations.
However, it remains a problem for blazing speeds: The air remaining in the tube. Sets the passenger capsule is too close to the inner wall of the tunnel, it behaves like a syringe. It pushes the air in front of it. Maximum speeds just below the sound barrier would be gone. Unless one expands the diameter of the tube clear what would be more practical.
the gondolas down faster than supersonic speed. This, however, probably the most passengers do not like, they would have to withstand high accelerations. And a transport tube for astronauts alone is clearly absurd as the Hyperloop itself
how exactly it would work then?
cabins with room for 28 passengers each are designed to slide as slide through the narrow tunnel with an inner diameter of 2.23 meters. Not on snow or ice, but on air. A fan at the bow, the air scoops behind the gondola. This also solves the same problem with the syringe effect. Speeds of just over 1,100 miles per hour should be able to be reached.
to accelerate the capsules AC motors that can be mounted at a distance of just over 100 kilometers to the tube, according to Musk. Finally, it still needs a small battery, which drives the Bugventilator. Is is done. The MIT physicist Hansman is not so sure, he told the magazine Technology Review . “I think there are a number of technical challenges with the vehicle,” says Hansman, who also heads the International Center for Air Transportation. One of the biggest questions is how much energy the system requires.
The tube itself Elon Musk is above ground on stilts in front along the Interstate-5 highway. From Los Angeles to San Francisco, the travel time cheating so good 35 minutes. Currently, you need five and a half hours by car, by plane an hour and 15 minutes and at least another 16 years with the currently planned high speed train for about two hours and 38 minutes, expect Musk and his team. In two-minute intervals in the passenger capsules could losdüsen Hyperloop, during rush hour, even every 30 seconds. 7.4 million people could be so transported each year between the two cities each way.
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